The unofficial GUN talk thread

Looks great man!!!!!!

Can you get different patterns? Non-camo stuff? Like brick wall, paisley, star bursts, skulls, necked ladies, ect?

I've seen some pretty rad stuff on the paintball forums. WOnder if I can get my car parts done in paisley ??
A few skull patterns, and Morning Wood.

This one would be funny. "Careful! Its dripping wet!"


Ended up having to use the lc9 to dispatch my deer today. I'm really impreessed with the winchester +p self defense ammo.

You snuck up on it and shot it with a pistol? Or, he was already down from the rifle and bloody snot was coming out his mouth and nose? Got pics of the gut pile?

inski said:
Sounds like a good place. But, people don't really feel like shooting with their buds til its warm out. Def have to plan a Scooby Shoot. Maybe we can meet up some weekend and scope out the Place in Minot, or Falmouth Rod & Gun Club(small fee), or Denmark Shooting Range (also free) Then start the planning.

Anyone have experience with Ruger Minis? Mini-14 or Mini-30? Are they accurate?

Wheres your favorite gun shop?
First, Falmouth Rod & Gun club got their permits pulled for everything but automatic thrower skeet shooting.

Second, the mini-14 is sweet but if you plan on doing anything more than target shooting and coyotes go for the mini-30, its a larger round (.223 versus 7.62)

Finally, Howell's gun shop out in Gray is pretty good, friendly dudes too. Also have a small range out back.

I am a licensed firearms instructor and have taught courses in shotgunning, riflery, and black powder in the past. Im also a bowhunting safety instructor and trapping education instructor, though I do not trap personally. So, if anybody who has not shot before wants to come out for a scooby shoot day Im always happy to help first time shooters get their bearings and throw some lead down range.

First, Falmouth Rod & Gun club got their permits pulled for everything but automatic thrower skeet shooting.

Second, the mini-14 is sweet but if you plan on doing anything more than target shooting and coyotes go for the mini-30, its a larger round (.223 versus 7.62)

Finally, Howell's gun shop out in Gray is pretty good, friendly dudes too. Also have a small range out back.

I am a licensed firearms instructor and have taught courses in shotgunning, riflery, and black powder in the past. Im also a bowhunting safety instructor and trapping education instructor, though I do not trap personally. So, if anybody who has not shot before wants to come out for a scooby shoot day Im always happy to help first time shooters get their bearings and throw some lead down range.
That post was over 2, almost 3 years old.

I heard Falmouth was starting to get the ducks in a row and on track to being fully open.

Back when I asked about the Mini I could not afford an AR. Now there are ARs in the same price range as the Minis. The Minis are nice, but it seems to be more sensible to get an AR these days. I still can't afford either.

Haha, you are quite right, I didnt even look. Oh well. As of last week Falmouth has applied for their permits but are still skeet only. They have all sorts of DEP and EPA violations haha.

And yes, getting a full fledge AR style is much better. Have you tried used stuff? gun broker is a good website for that stuff.

This is ole Nick from Evergreen. He became the state of Maine Black Powder Champion in the beginning of October. Then the Cowboy action 4gun club he shoots with had their final shoot the weekend before Halloween, so he dressed like a Pirate, and brought the BLUNDERBUSS. He loaded it with as much shot and powder as he dared and totally destroyed a very close target at the end of stage 6.

Click the picture to view the video.

Heres the destruction...

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So Im looking at buying a handgun right off, I already have a rifle and shotgun for hunting and a few small caliber handguns. Im looking for a .45acp that is just small enough for occasional carry. Ive been looking for mostly sub $500 along the lines of a Springfield Armory XD or maybe a Glock 21 if I can get one for the right price. Something that needs minimal care, built like a tank, and will shoot almost any garbage I put in it fairly reliably with decent accuracy. Doesn't have to be target grade by any means.

I know of a Glock 21SF that is supposed to be in good shape, with night sights and 3 mags for $550. It seems a bit high to me, but I haven't had a chance to shop around too much yet. Any thoughts on the price or of anything that might suit my needs better?

That's a good price on the 21sf. I own one (my favorite fun to shoot) and would recommend one to anybody. All 9mm, .40s&w, .357sig Glocks are new in the $500 mark, but the .45acp, 10mm gun are more like $575. Add over $100 for the (wide slide) night sights, $30 for the extra mag, and tax and the guy had spent well over $700. If it's in as good a shape as he says it's worth that all day long. And I don't have to speak to Glocks reliability, and build quality.

As for carry though.... Forget it. Concealing this bad boy will be near impossible, and I doubt you will like it. Open carry is another story. If you're comfortable doing it. Def buy the 21sf. 14 rounds of .45 will do the job.

Sadly to me I don't know of a "do-it-all" gun out there. I don't really feel like there is one gun that you can conceal carry, that will also fit the needs of home defense, that also fits the needs of a range gun. Buy it. It might do two of those things well, but no gun (to me) really does them all. It's a reason to save up and but more then one anyway.

Im only thinking of concealed on occasion, IWB with sweatshirts loose t-shirts etc. I don't mind loosing some concealability for a good shooting, good feeling ultra reliable handgun.

My biggest concern with a Glock is the grip feeling. I keep hearing people love it, but if you don't love it you probably hate it. Im going to have to get my hands on one to see how it feels.


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