The unofficial GUN talk thread

Circuit judge is the carbine. It is available in 28ga. The pistol is only available in .410/45lc due to ATF.

Next weekend is the "Ancient Ones" outdoors and gun show at the Augusta Armory. Saturday and Sunday. They'll have more than just guns there. Woodstoves, puppies, tomahawk throwing, swords, carvings, guns, paintings, guns, guns, old collectible crap.

Saturday I'll be at the Capitol City range shooting my first 'modern' pistol competition. I might visit the gun show after.

Nice find Brighton. What is W/G rod and gun club? Windham/Gorham? You people need to announce these kind of things here. I would have much rather have looked at guns all day than hang out with the old lady talking about home repairs vegetables she wants to plant...

Next weekend is the "Ancient Ones" outdoors and gun show at the Augusta Armory. Saturday and Sunday. They'll have more than just guns there. Woodstoves, puppies, tomahawk throwing, swords, carvings, guns, paintings, guns, guns, old collectible crap.

Saturday I'll be at the Capitol City range shooting my first 'modern' pistol competition. I might visit the gun show after.

Nice find Brighton. What is W/G rod and gun club? Windham/Gorham? You people need to announce these kind of things here. I would have much rather have looked at guns all day than hang out with the old lady talking about home repairs vegetables she wants to plant...
Yes, sorry Windham/Gorham. Ill let you know the next time. For sure. Nothing like listening to the old lady all day.

Oh and BTW. $35 pp or $50 a year to join there. And use there 4 lane range from 8-8 everyday. Can shoot up to .45 but must be fragmenting.

I've talked to that guy in Rangeley, best price I could find for a Windham Weaponry actually. But I've got a better price on a Spike's Tactical, be picking it up this weekend if all goes well.

Also had some deliveries come in, which turned my 28" Mossberg 500:


Into this:


ATI Adjustable Side Folder, 18.5" Barrel.

Next weekend is the "Ancient Ones" outdoors and gun show at the Augusta Armory. Saturday and Sunday. They'll have more than just guns there. Woodstoves, puppies, tomahawk throwing, swords, carvings, guns, paintings, guns, guns, old collectible crap.

Saturday I'll be at the Capitol City range shooting my first 'modern' pistol competition. I might visit the gun show after.

Nice find Brighton. What is W/G rod and gun club? Windham/Gorham? You people need to announce these kind of things here. I would have much rather have looked at guns all day than hang out with the old lady talking about home repairs vegetables she wants to plant...
Also,last I knew Dave "the AK guy" was supposed to be there(Ancient ones show),with LOTS of hard to find AK parts. I usually end up grabbing lots of little goodies from his tables. Ill probably head up Sunday,I want to check out the Gardiner meet Saturday.

picked up a remington 870 yesterday, 21" barrell with full and extra full chokes, matte black finish and camo stock and forend. l.o.p. is a littlle long, but that's what tactical stocks are for

Also started refinishing the furniture from my winchester 94 she had quite a few nicks and dings, sanded her all down and put th minwax special walnut to her, low gloss poly tomorrow

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Just left my uncle's gun shop in Readfield...still small,but he's got a lot of goodies coming in soon. He has one of the Mossberg chainsaw shotguns-first one Ive seen. Lots of ammo too,if anybody is in the area,its well worth stopping in.Probably 25 rifles,15 handguns in stock now...

Just bought a complete AR lower with a 6 position stock and a great trigger (no creep and 4-5 lb pull) and lifetime warrantee for $115. + Credit card fee and shipping= $134. Plus FFL fee up here and it's all mine!!!! :-) Can't wait.

Just left my uncle's gun shop in Readfield...still small,but he's got a lot of goodies coming in soon. He has one of the Mossberg chainsaw shotguns-first one Ive seen. Lots of ammo too,if anybody is in the area,its well worth stopping in.Probably 25 rifles,15 handguns in stock now...
I'm looking for new hand gun
My Thompson sleeps in a large violin case,with his buddies,the drum and sticks.... A really good case for the money is the UTG assault rifle soft case the cheaper than dirt sells..Ive had mine for almost 5 years,no trouble at all. Just be sure to get it big enough for the longest barrel you think you might ever buy.

Need a place to store any accessories for your rifle platform? Or just the baddest-ass mug ever?? How about this:


Incredibly Badass Tactical Mug Lets You Strap on Spec Ops Gun Attachments While You Drink

Something it's nice to jazz up your morning cup of coffee or tea with, say, a stronger brew. Or maybe a little whiskey, hey-oh! But what about night vision scopes, laser targeting, and a tripod mount?

The OPMOD Battle Mug is probably the only mug you want to bring with you if you're both thirsty and planning a massive, bloody commando operation. It holds liquids, sure, but it also comes with three Mil-Spec 1913 tactical rails, allowing for pretty much any BYO gun attachment under the sun. The mug essentially becomes a gun, lacking only the ability to, you know, shoot bullets. And yes—that's an AR-15 handle, for your drink-toting convenience—you won't have to worry about spilling your $250 mug while walking through airport security. [OPMOD via Geekosystem]

Mighty, do you have an upper in mind for your AR top?

Muddy, what do have coming? Excellent lookin shop gun btw.

iwagon, got any pics of the Winchester?

Mighty, do you have an upper in mind for your AR top?
Not yet. something other than 308 though ;-) I kid, I kid! haha

I can't really make up my mind on what I want to use it for. Might build one. Maybe something with a bull barrel.. Not really sure. Maybe something short and light and that is easily manuverable for personal/neighborhood defense... Maybe a 50 beowulf... maybe 300 blk. maybe 6.8spc. So Does that narrow it down? Probably just something inexpensive for the meantime until I am able to get something I really want that costs more.


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