The unofficial GUN talk thread

They do, and that's where I'm going tomorrow. They had 2 stainless and one black( with my name on it) in the case.

Unfortunately it looks like I might be out. 4-8 inches of snow into Saturday night means plowing all night and likely into first shift. So instead of leaving you guys ( and specifically dan) wondering, I'll just make the decicion now. On the bright side I LOVE my sr9c. First group I shot at ten yards at a brisk fire rate was about 8 inches, best 5 were within 2

Unfortunately it looks like I might be out. 4-8 inches of snow into Saturday night means plowing all night and likely into first shift. So instead of leaving you guys ( and specifically dan) wondering, I'll just make the decicion now.
No worries man. You gotta do what ya gotta do.

While I could try to weasel out of work, $19 an hour for ot is worth more than a range day. But I'm def. In if we get together for a shooting type event in the spring

Hey G and Dan. Want to meet up at the Auburn Park and ride at 9:15?

I have a Glock 26 that I will be bringing if anyone wants to shoot it (04FXT). I have 2 mags (one flush, and one with a Pearce +1 baseplate) When I take it to the range to practice, I like the extra finger on the grip and use the +1 baseplate magazine. It gives you a lot more control, and still comes in smaller then my Glock 23. Its most likely going up for sale soon. I want to replace it with a Glock 36 (single stack, compact 45acp) for concealed carry gun. Lately Ive been carrying my G23 anyway, but the single stack G36 will come in handy for summer, and winter carry.

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Umm. Reservation at 1:00pm. I see us shooting for an hour and a half at least. We should be out of there my 3 for sure. That leaves us an hour and a half + drive home. If you're home past 5pm, you're doing it wrong.

What's everyone bringing for guns? Anyone is welcome to shoot any of mine. Just bring along a little bit of ammo. The Glock's cycle anything so doesn't matter what it is. (jacketed ammo only)

Glock 17 (9mm)

Glock 26 (9mm)

Glock 23RTF (40)

Glock 21SF (45)

Ruger 22/45 (22)

Should be a load of fun!

I'll have:

Walther P99 .40S&W

Walther PK380 (picky on ammo if you want to shoot it)

M1 carbine

Mossberg 590A1 Tactical 12ga. (if you feel like making a lot of noise)

I'll be shooting my sr9c in my dads back yard tomorrow... anyone try tulammo steel cased russian stuff? Old gun nut at wallet world said he loves it and swears its clean... any thoughts?

No idea on the Tula stuff.. can't imagine it's too bad though. I've been shooting a metric shitton of herters 9mm, and that stuff works mint!

We've been discussing this at work. Nick says steel case anything is ok if its polimer coated, but the lacquer coated stuff tends to build up and tough to clean out especially if you have a couple rapid fire sessions. This may be my issues with my Mosin, Lacquer vs. Polymer.

But it seems hand guns are a bit more tolerant of the possible inconsistencies of mass produced ammo. The materials being used these days are good both with ammo and firearms. We don't need to worry as much about throat errossion and barrels being shot out.

TRY IT. If it works well run it. My Ruger hasn't had any problems with any ammo I've tried, but both my .303 and .30 carbine really hate any steel case ammo. My .30 will FTE every 4th round with Herters or Wolf.

ALso, I've experienced inconsistencies with charges using PPU, RPU, PriviPartizan


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