The unofficial GUN talk thread

Dan, I was a bit nervous about you being a noob but you done well and I hope to hear about your range days in the future. You are welcome to try my stuff again.
Thanks! I appreciated the primer on the basics.

I've got bad hearing, and the ear protection didn't help, but I learned as much as I could!

he was having a hard time hearing instructions is what I think he meant.

I was wearing double as well. The old range is way louder than the new one.

Who else can't breath well this morning from yesterday?

I coughed up something black this morning. and the laundry hampster smells like my gun safe.

As much as I love cabelas, I wanted to slap one of the guys in the gun department. Tried telling me I should pay 130 for 300 round of expensive 9mm ammo for plinking. I looked at him with a blank stare... winchesters at walmart is 66ish for 300. Anyone found any brass stuff cheaper?

not without going on the web.

I second the slapping of Cabelas.

I tried to buy a Mosin from them. it was out of stock so onto a "waiting list" I went. A week or so later they leave a message to call them. I did, no one knew anything. Then a week after that I get a rude message from some lady. Again I call and noone knows anything. I tell them that XXxxxx called about the mosin. I get: "well we got some in, but there is a waiting list" I tell them I am on it. *on hold* *disconnected*

awesome. Then the lady calls back with the attitude. I told her where she could place the bayonette.

all over an $88 70yo gun.

Cabela's does seem to be overpriced on stuff. A friend of mine was looking for 12 gauge brass, they don't carry it, so I have been looking online and came across this beauty. I don't know how long these have been out but I am usually a cheap ammo person because I waste it on skeet.

Wow pedro, that makes me glad I didn't want to get my sr9 through them. All new gun purchases go through stone gun shop or howells ( dad knows the guys in there) both places have bent over backwards to help me get what I wanted when I wanted. Cabelas is great if they have what you want on the shelf and are sure that's the item you need, but other than that I have people closer that treat me better

So heres my latest project. I reworked my Remington 870 into a home defense/zombie killer. Its still a work in progress, as I have a few more parts I want to add. But its a start. I added an ATI top folding stock and forearm, and a Remington 18" barrel. Soon to come will be a shell holder bolted onto the folding stock, and magazine extension and some kind of sling. Also thinking about how to add a flashlight. Sorry for the crappy pics. Might get some better ones later.



you should have shot Ty's ATI stock before you bought one.

I was bleeding from a couple places after shooting it.

can someone (perhaps the man himself) give me the details on lobstah's zombie gun? i've been in awe of it ever since i saw it/held it

you should have shot Ty's ATI stock before you bought one.

I was bleeding from a couple places after shooting it.
Hehehe, yea...those ATI stocks aren't all that comfortable to shoot with anything more than light bird shot/target load. Not enough recoil absorbtion on that tiny shoulder pad. A good recoil absorbing folding stock is probably in the future for mine, or maybe even the factory stock.

Mine is loaded with 00 buck. If I have to use it chances are I could care less about the recoil. I'll toss the other stock back on for skeet shooting.

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