'04 Forester XT!!

Sweet, I love it when you get the answers you were looking for.

The jna intake is a lot like the spt intake, the inner diameter is stock size.

And I'm glad I have the sti ecu then.

Snow tires are on. Was going to wait, but looks like we are gonna get some snow, and I know I will have to be out in it.

Snow tires are on. Was going to wait, but looks like we are gonna get some snow, and I know I will have to be out in it.
Those tires you had on there weren't just a little bald... they were slicks. Haha.

You're almost as bad as me with running bald tires

Actually after taking them off tonight, they weren't all that bad. They still have a tread pattern! But I will be looking for better ones for next year.

Bald tires are all fun and games until you have to drive in a rain storm. Then it's scary...

Need to update this a little. I plan on taking a couple pics today of the winter wheels. I also did an even trade a few weeks ago. Traded my SPT turbo heat shield, for a brand new Subtle Solutions turbo heat shield and chimney. I'll try to get a pic of that as well. Still have a bunch of stuff to install as well, but seems like I never have time and when I did, I wasn't able to get a hand with it. So hopefully at some point I can get that stuff installed!

oh were you?! That is some news!!

How do I get pictures of the photographer sent to me?!

just wanna bump this up. Have you done anything to it recently? Any future plans?

Ummmmm, no. I have no place to work on it, and no one that will help me do a couple things that I'm not completely comfortable doing myself. I shouldn't say no one, I have had an offer, but he is no more comfortable than I am.


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