Mmmhmmm... Under a bridge.
Just so's we're clear-I asked ESP for an objective view on the tune.
(I'm blunt,and I don't like to mince words, I expect the same from the shop doing my work.)
ESP have had nothing but good to say regarding DSG, and were very courteous in their opinions of my tune.
(In fact, they were overly-cautious in their initial opinions, imo, and I had to ask for more "blunt, reality"-based commentary on wtf was up with my car's horrific tune-
The fact does stand-the tune was, how do you say... "assed", from the moment I got it. It was back at DSG once or twice, and nothing changed.
I'll get specifics on exactly where the the tune actually was f'd, when I pick the car up, but I was told that the values were set like none that had
ever been seen, before.
I now (I'm told) have actual
tip-in response, and a real, working idle, for red lights and stop signs. Gee-whiz, ain't that
Also, I found out that the STi initially benchmarked-dyno'd at < 300whp at ESP, and DSG gave me a post-"tune" dyno sheet that read 325whp/335tq after the last "tune". I find it odd that the numbers from similar dynos are SO far off, unless I was running with those problems initially at DSG-and if so, why did the STi dyno so much higher, with boost leaks and whatnot?
Those are answers to questions, I'm sure I'll never find. With the new injectors in, and the tune straightened out, I expect about 350whp/360tq, or close, at 22-23# of boost. Safely and efficiently, a high 11s car, IF it'lll stay whole long enough to actually run a quarter enough to get those numbers. Grrr...
Fwiw, shame on DSG-the STi never should have been delivered to me in the running condition it was in, and shame on me for not getting it straightened out when it happened, especially after the second trip down with zero improvements, after leaving it there more than a week. If someone could have taken 15 minutes, it might have been okay, but I guess it wasn't important that my car ran like crap.
Remember, DSG is 3+ hours away, and a transportation nightmare to drop a car to, from here... I was so disheartened by the whole #@&!!*@#!! build, I just let the tuning
fail just be-and that was a Big Mistake. Oh well, live and learn-right Nate?
The keyword here is
pro-active, for future reference. Denial is FAR too expensive, I've found.
We should merge our threads as a "cautionary tale" for anyone (not rich) that's thinking of going past stage II in their modfying of their WRX or STi.
A service, if you will, lol!
Anyhow, the saga continues, and that bridge doesn't come with the mortgage I've got-so that's attractive. I don't know where I'll park the STi, however. If you can sort out parking, I hear SoPo needs ca$h badly.