That's why I won't own a motorcycle... Because all the dumb funks on the road.

So I think the sound it's been making since I put it in the car is rod knock. It isn't getting worse (yet), but I'm looking for another engine that can stay put for a good while. The next time I pull the engine I want it to be running perfectly. Only to be replaced by an H6, turbo, etc.

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Which sound? The ticking kind of sound? When you had it here, it didn't sound like it to me. More like valve noise. But it definitely wouldn't hurt to source another motor!!

It wasn't really making that noise when I was there. This is a very rod knocky noise, check my thread in USMB new gen. I have a video of it there.

I have a legal (haha) re-install disc that would probably fix that.

The sound I sort of a metallic clanking noise when I revv the motor, not consistent. Sort of a tack tack tack. quiiiieeet tack tack tack kind of noise.

It doesn't do it under load, only when there isn't much load on the motor. Like on decel or whatever. Or cruising at 3k on the highway.... The whole damn way from here to NYC and back. It was a tad annoying at first, but I started to just ignore it. hah.

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We might have to meet up to do the re install at some point, that way I can actually see things normally on this computer!

It's good that it lasted though!! Even with annoying noises!!

It's still lasting just fine. It's not getting worse, so I'm just going to get a motor and reseal it. Take my time so I'm not rushed throwing something together.

If it doesn't blow up before my next long roadtrip, I'll probably just change it out.

Half way to ultimate frisbee I started hearing a weird whirring noise from my engine. It was bad enough to pull over and look at... Cogged timing belt pully was falling appart. So I drove it home, put another iffy condition used one on and was good to go.

It took longer to compress the damn tensioner than it did to pull the timing belt and change the idler over...

Not running timing belt covers makes it wicked easy
I didn't even have to pull the accessory belts...

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I'm getting the engine on Thursday! Big thanks to Mike!

Tomorrow I'm getting the motor out. And since I have to switch to a dual port header (which I have
), it's a good chance to work on the exhaust system. It needs some welding, re-shaping, etc.

I also need to pick up exhaust gaskets, intake gaskets (I have to switch intakes), and maybe exhaust stud hardware. I'll see when I get the engine. And of course oil, coolant.

I can't wait to have a *gasp* reliable engine in my car for once!! I will have to do the timing belt and water pump after it's in the car, a mild PITA, but not really TOO bad. I'll get all the cover bolts unstuck before I put it in. Shouldn't be too bad.

So I have to swap to a dual port header. So I dug the original one to the car out of the mess in my garage. Upon touching it every single shield rattled... I don't want to take them off, they're there to keep engine bay temps down.

So I took half an hour and welded them up so they can't rattle anymore. I dropped it a few times on the concrete floor, and it didn't do so much as bounce. So yay, no heat shield rattle for me!

Any time I do anything on this car all I can think is "it's so much easier on a GL" ...

Engine is in. Lots of stuff after I picked up the engine made it so I didn't get into the mancave until it was almost dark.

But all I have left is bolt on the intake, took all that crap up, accessories, then the stuff under the car. Exhaust and engine mount nuts. Oh, and don't forget the radiator with the PITA bottom cooler line.

Fill up with coolant and oil and VROOM! hopefully...

I'll make a vid so if it blows up in a fireball you can all laugh at me.

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It moves, yet again.

Cranked it until the oil light went off, hooked up the harness and turned the key.

chee chee chee rrrooooommmmmblahblahblahblahblahblah

I've put a buncha miles on it today already. It runs really nice. REALLY nice. It barely sounds like a subaru engine, it's almost a little disconcerting.

It's leaking coolant, I'm pretty sure it's at the tstat housing. I didn't replace the gasket and I think the engine side was a bit grummy. I should have cleaned it, but it was dark under the car (no work light..) and I just wanted it together. I'm gonna be doing tbelt, wp, etc anyway. So I'm not too worried about it.

Only real issue is EGR code, it doesn't have EGR heads. But besides taking the CEL bulb out, I think I have a solution to that. Just looking for the right computer and parts.

Oh yea, and the coolant is a little oily... when I was filing the coolant I accidentally poured in a little bit of oil... better than putting coolant in the oil though. Oops... hah.

So, I'm in a grump mood. I changed out the engine because lots of people told me "yea, that sounds like rod knock, it's doomed".

I started taking the old engine apart today. I pulled the oil pan and checked the rods for play. None of the rods had any play. The crank doesn't have any play. But, one of the timing belt idlers I put on (an almost brand new, nice one) had lots of play. When moved by hand, it made the "rod knock" sound.

I still have no explanation as to why it didn't build up oil pressure immediately, though. It would start and the light would be on for 5 seconds as it made bad sounds. Then the light would go off and it sounded better.. Probably bad oil pump. The pickup isn't cracked. In reality, old engine + new oil pump would probably have been fine for a long time. Oh well. At least the crank probably isn't ruined, I might rebuild the engine so I have a nice fresh 2.5

For now, the 2.2 is going to be good though. It's one of the smoothest running suby motors I've ever met. No piston slap, valve noise, subaruy knocky grumble noise, etc. I'll put new timing belt stuff on it, and it should go for 100k miles without any problems.

I didn't think it was, but oh well, at least you got a good motor now. And the phase 1 2.2 really didn't have piston slap anyway, that was just the phase 2 and all the 2.5's.

I'm not terribly upset about putting the 2.2 in there. Sure I liked the extra power, but when it comes down to it, I 99% of the time I drive like an old lady on the road. The 2.2 gets 6mpg better than the 2.5 did. Which in my book, is a win.

I'll tear down the 2.5 and replace the bearings and such, because I've always wanted to. And it did have 244k on it. Good or not, it was getting old.

probably somewhat. I don't want a turbo. I'm happy the way it's working now though. Next car project I do is de-rust the GL and replace the rear end so it can drive again. Then I want to build the old gearbox to a awd/4wd selectable with new synchros and whatnot.

The idea is this car "just works" so I can play with other things.
