I won! The engine is sitting on the floor with a severely cut to hell bell housing.

I'll post some pics later.

I ripped it a new one...


Hauling the chunk out, and transferring to the second comealong to drop it down infront of the car.

Yes, I can lift an engine block myself, they're not that heavy. I was tired and didn't feel like it.


Combination of angle grinder and sawzall. My most favourite tools. You only have to cut it about 50% of the way, then beat on it with a sledge and chisel, and the bit of aluminum pops out.

One bolt was near the top, that made that one easy. One could be accessed from the access port at the bottom behind the oil pan.

The other didn't take much to get to, and the last one was a PITA. I could only get it out about 5 threads at a time. Had to pull the engine forwards, unthread it more, pull forwards, unthread more, etc.

So good news!!! It runs!

A couple stupid things to waste my time along the way...

The tensioner that was on the other engine didn't have another compress in it... I gave it about 10 minutes after pulling the pin, and it never took up slack. I could push the belt and the piston pushed in and out really easy... So fortunately I had a spare.

The bearing wasn't as good though, but after wasting some more time I found out the bearing ID is a different size. WTF!? they are both subaru parts... Anyway, whatever. It works.

I drove it easy for about 10 miles, filled up the gas. All seemed well and happy. So I took it down 130 to Bristol. When I got the the straight bits I came to a complete stop and then went WOT until I hit 110. It runs pretty nice, wicked fast too. Well, fast compared to an 80hp GL

Then I drove around some nice twisty back roads, did a few power slides around corners... I missed that car.

I need to go on joy rides more often at midnight... I didn't see one car the whole time I was out.

I must have missed you! I was getting o-rings for the coolant crossover pipe. I think I ordered the wrong thing on RockAuto, it was pretty vague on their site...

I think my rear diff is shitting itself :|

If I have a qt of gear oil sitting around I'll drain it tomorrow and see what it looks like. Hopefully all it needs is just a flush.

My front diff did this. It started making bad noises. I drained some nasty smelly looking stuff out. Maybe a cup or so. When I filled it back up with gear oil it was very happy. Hopefully it's the same story with the rear. I should have done it at the same time. I guess I'm a terrible person....

And yes... I love this car. But DAMN does it piss me off sometimes.

Although... I'd rather it be the diff than the wheel bearing... Because that's the next thing to check out.

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Nice! Heating the gear oil before putting it in definitely helps in this weather! So no more noise? Or is it something else?

There's still noise. But the diff is fine. As I posted on USMB, there wasn't much to talk about on the magnetic plug, and the oil looked old, but fine.

So it has stopped doing the piston slap thing on cold stats now. Which is weird, it also runs a lot quieter.

I don't know why it would suddenly shut up like that. In about 1000 miles it's lost just less than 1/2 quart of oil, which is probably quite a bit less than normal for an ej25d with 240k miles. That includes a lot of quite abusive miles when I first got it running.

So my car did something weird this morning. I was at someone's house, so I had locked it (at home, I just leave the key right in the ignition).

So I went out, unlocked it with the remote. But the car wouldn't start. Just a click under the dash. The starter wasn't clicking, so it's not the contacts.

I checked the wire to the solenoid on the starter, it was fine. So I pulled every fuse one at a time under the dash. None were blown. Did the same under the hood, checked the fusable links, everything was fine. I knew it wasn't the battery because when I turned on all the lights, radio, blower, etc. They all ran fine.

So after checking the fuses I turned the key and it started right up. WTF is going on here?!

I turned the key back and forth probably 30 times prior to checking everything, and nothing. Do I have a corroded fuse box?

I'm glad it started, this is just weird. Glad it didn't happen to the valet guy when I had to park it in NYC...

I almost crashed this today, came VERY scary close.

I was driving along when a truck backed out of a driveway into the road infront of me. It was sort of a blind corner going the other way.

I stood both feet on the brake pedal and wasn't sure I was going to stop before I hit ... I had to make a split second decision, risk hitting the side of the truck, or swerve around. I kept straight. Just as I came to a stop five inches from the truck, a car came around the corner.

I sorta just sat there for a minute in a daze before I could carry on...

Thaaaaaaaaaaat's scary. Good choice on heading for the truck. At least that way it's their fault.

At that point I didn't care who's fault it would be, if my car was crashed, etc. I was glad not to be dead.
