So fortunately I hadn't mounted my new used tires yet... Yesterday when it was dark and raining I was driving along, minding my own business. Suddenly my car wasn't handling right. I got out and my front left tire was flat. Not TOTALLY flat, but pretty low. FRAK! It's dark, raining, and my flashlight has dead batteries.
So with a lot of swearing, I got the stupid spare tire on. The spare tire was pretty much completely flat. Wonderful. It was about this time someone coming the other way in a BMW (prolly mass plates) was kind enough to slow down and yell "You should have gotten AAA." And drove off. I yelled back that he should fark himself. I put a fuse in the FWD fuse thing under the hood and proceeded to drive home. Yes, I destroyed the spare rim. Yes, for some special reason I have a spare spare tire, at home.
SO, today I got my new used tires put on. I tried to fit one in the spare tire area, but alas, it doesn't fit at all. Maybe I'll get a 14" rim with a low pro tire on it. It will be too small, but at least it'll be a real wheel with a real tire that's not a total POS that might explode at any minute over 30mph. I hate those doughnut spares.