It'll be just fine.

Clack Clack Clack.... sounds like stuffs really worn out... Oil that is shitty and what not wont keep things lubricated. You probably lost the oil film on something. Or have something way out of adjustment.
Less than 1000 miles on the oil, and I've added over a qt of oil to it since. So it's nice and minty fresh. Still a happy colour.

It's probably piston slap or something. No stupid retarded HLAs to bleed down. So it's not that. Doesn't sound like valves anyway.

So fortunately I hadn't mounted my new used tires yet... Yesterday when it was dark and raining I was driving along, minding my own business. Suddenly my car wasn't handling right. I got out and my front left tire was flat. Not TOTALLY flat, but pretty low. FRAK! It's dark, raining, and my flashlight has dead batteries.

So with a lot of swearing, I got the stupid spare tire on. The spare tire was pretty much completely flat. Wonderful. It was about this time someone coming the other way in a BMW (prolly mass plates) was kind enough to slow down and yell "You should have gotten AAA." And drove off. I yelled back that he should fark himself. I put a fuse in the FWD fuse thing under the hood and proceeded to drive home. Yes, I destroyed the spare rim. Yes, for some special reason I have a spare spare tire, at home.

SO, today I got my new used tires put on. I tried to fit one in the spare tire area, but alas, it doesn't fit at all. Maybe I'll get a 14" rim with a low pro tire on it. It will be too small, but at least it'll be a real wheel with a real tire that's not a total POS that might explode at any minute over 30mph. I hate those doughnut spares.

So I guess I never updated about this car. The engine decided to be stupid and a chain of events lead to it's seizure. I'm glad it didn't happen moving to, or in NC. Anyway, it's in ME now sitting for the winter...

So yesterday at work I was doing some stupid menial POOP so I was thinking about putting this car back together, H6 swap hopefully or whatever.

Thinking about pulling the old lump out and now that I have the system down for getting the TQ bolts out how easy it is to pull an engine... Right, getting the torque converter bolts out... How the hell am I going to do that with the engine being seized... The guys on USMB have some suggestions, but nothing life changing.

I think the easiest route might be to haul the whole drivetrain out and just put a 5speed in there. Or maybe if I borrow a powerful enough air chisel from someone I can just beat the bell housing to shreds.

Any suggestions from here?

I say try to see if you can get the engine freed up at all. I have seen a few seized motors that have been able to be freed up. Then you can just remove them like normal.

Because that's a pain in the arse, risks damaging the TQ, and the TQ is a fraking pain to get back in.

why is it a pain and how the hell would you damage it and you just said you were going to take a chisel to the bell housing which I would think would be more of a pain and mess

Yeah but who cares if you eff up the flex plate, you could just get another one of those, and there is a chance you could sneak a wrench between the bellhousing and flex plate to take the bolts out anyway.

I know you'll prob gear towards the EG33, but someone is selling an EZ30R on NES. Something to think about maybe. I dunno:

I've sort of been thinking about the ez30D just because they're OBD2 (obd2 eg33 is hard to find), and they fit better.

But definitely not an ez30R like the one in that ad. Pretty much the only way to run it is with aftermarket managment, and I really don't feel like going there.

Also, just looked at it closer. 2k for an engine that has a knock? I don't care how many miles are on it, it still needs a rebuild.

So.... I'm back at it... I'm going to build a high-comp. motor out of the seized ej22 and iffy condition ej25 and see what happens. It might last a long time, it might go up in flames.

Today I tried to turn the 2.2 over, and managed in nothing more than breaking my breaker bar. SO it's going to be a battle. I guess I'll just have to pull the torque converter out of the transmission, possibly ruining it. If that's the case I'll need to find a pedal box, legacy 5speed driveshaft, and somehow get the messed up axles off my 5speed box. Then game on....!

That TC is not going to come out very well while pulling the motor. Unless you can somehow get some serious angle on that transmission as well. There has got to be some other way to get it apart.
