That sucks... I would have driven right down Main Street in Damriscotta... all they can do is give you a fix it ticket... you have the part which needs to be fixed with you

I have heard one on headers just once, only in neutral tho... from experience exhaust notes tend to be different with the engine under a load.
At idle is nothing... Cruising along was really painful loud. Oh well, I welded it all back together. Looks like I shat the welds out, I didn't want to pull the header, so I welded it on car. But it works. So whatever.

I bet that thing was loud man! I popped off the passenger side header pipe a while back... at 4,000 rpm it was LOUD

Minor. Been there done that. Gotta love that sound!
In the GL it's a nice sound... In the legacy with just a header it really sucked bad. It was seriously hearting my ears by the time I got home

That sucks... I would have driven right down Main Street in Damriscotta... all they can do is give you a fix it ticket... you have the part which needs to be fixed with you
I didn't want to sound like a douche going through town.

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this happened in my first car...86 camaro z28 with a built up 355....came off right at the midpipe.....oh my god it was bad.

I feel your pain, I started my 2.5I inside my dads garage with just headers and almost went deaf, and drove it with a resonatorless midpipe and no muffler on a parts run. And my buddys z28 camaro with just headers

One of the sunroof cables went snap and it's now stuck open. What joy. This necessitated me to take the GL on a 450 mile road trip this weekend.

Anyway, dropping the headliner and sunroof crap tonight probably. What a crappy job.

That sucks!! I saw you today going through Wiscasset. You know, if you are going to drive that thing so much, you may want to get a sticker on it!!! Hahaha

That sucks!! I saw you today going through Wiscasset. You know, if you are going to drive that thing so much, you may want to get a sticker on it!!! Hahaha
Thought that was you. Most of my driving it this weekend has been out of state. Haha. My sticker is the right colour

I need to fix some rust in the trunk area on the passenger's side. And some in that wheel well. Other than that it should be good.

Today has been my first day off/free for almost a month. So I just haven't had time. It runs, I drive it.

On the topic of sunroof... It's going to be a really effing pain in the arse. The cables are effed. One is all rusty and stiff, the other is broken and wound back into the tube thing and you can't even see it in the track. Its always had issues.

So I'll just get the entire sunroof assy. from Norm's for 150. Tested and working, that's not really a bad deal.

The pita part is getting to it. I have to drop the headliner and take it out of the car. So I have to pull all the pillar trim. Probably have to pull seatbelt mount points for that, all the top trim over the doors, handles, light, map light/sunroof controls. Then haul the headliner out of the car. FINALLY then I can unbolt the old sunroof stuff and the new in. That's the easy part. Then it all has to go back together again.

HOLY FUUUUUUUUUUU. Does not sound fun. Sounds like a few afternoons after work of pain. Do not want to spend my day off tomorrow working on this.

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I had to swap over the rain drip channel thing and the slidy closed part from the old sunroof. But it's in the car and working!!!! Now just to put the headliner back up, all the trim, handles, lights, and crap back in.

So I got my oil test results back from blackstone.

My engine is in pretty much fine shape. Which is good, but also bad because now I don't have a good excuse to get a better engine..

In the comments they said

"Engines can make a lot of metal before they fail, so these readings really aren't too scary, though this engine isn't wearing normally either."

Translate, your engine is a POS. haha.


Started it up for the first time in three days. Made a horrible terrible clack clack clack sound for a minute.....

Clack Clack Clack.... sounds like stuffs really worn out... Oil that is shitty and what not wont keep things lubricated. You probably lost the oil film on something. Or have something way out of adjustment.
