Night output isn't too much different. Just more blue.

I'm making the grill less lame and more awesome.

HID's look great Chris. Got a pic of the light output? I need to get in touch with you about LED's for my gauge cluster

So driving along I'm like WTF is that terrible noise. So I pull over and the nut had fallen off the AC tensioner and it was sitting there chewing a hole in the timing cover

Unfortunately I didn't have a spare nut or any tools, but fortunately I had a knife. bye bye expensive AC belt.... farking car. I've had more problems with EJ subies I can't believe it. At least it didn't snap my timing belt, because I'd probably have just pushed it in the nearest lake.

So driving along I'm like WTF is that terrible noise. So I pull over and the nut had fallen off the AC tensioner and it was sitting there chewing a hole in the timing cover

Unfortunately I didn't have a spare nut or any tools, but fortunately I had a knife. bye bye expensive AC belt.... farking car. I've had more problems with EJ subies I can't believe it. At least it didn't snap my timing belt, because I'd probably have just pushed it in the nearest lake.


why'nt ya tell us how you REALLY feel about the EJ's ??!!

I'd rather have an ea82
hahahaha. So glad I don't own one of them.

It's not EJs so much as the one in my car. If that motor keeps this up it'll end up as a boat anchor in short order.

to be fair, you did swap it by hand in your garage, and it was your first stab at it. I'd say it's pretty impressive you've managed to keep this thing going despite the usual myriad of problems everyone faces when they undertake projects like this.

get any rims on the beast yet we still need a photo of the cars together... nice work on the ac unit!!! wanna do mine?

I got my white faces in a bit ago still need to work on the lighting.... hit me up so we can get together before something else goes wrong and you "push it in the water"....heh

Yea, for sure. I doubt I'll push it in the water, with 5speed and eg33 it'll go along nicely. I'd be interested to look at your gauges and see what I can do, I need to order more LEDs, then we can start playing around with options.

I haven't taken any pics of it recently because nothing really changed, it's just a black LGT with black 07 2.5i rims, nothing too special, really.

to be fair, you did swap it by hand in your garage, and it was your first stab at it. I'd say it's pretty impressive you've managed to keep this thing going despite the usual myriad of problems everyone faces when they undertake projects like this.
It's not really anyone's fault the engine is an old pos, it doesn't matter who swapped it... it's an old engine with 300k on it. The AC tensioner things have chronic issues, so that's nothing new. My AC doesn't eve work anyway... I need to reseal it, and recharge it still.

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Quit yer bitchin Mr. 400 dollar car!!! HAHAHAHA

Yeah those tensioners sucks!!! Is the tensioner itself good? If so, I definitely have a nut to fit it, and if you don't want it at all, I could use it!!

So I picked up my 5speed today. Getting it in the back seat of my GL with two people was difficult, getting it out alone required getting creative with a ratchet strap.

Anyway, I lined it all up in the garage. With the confusion of what the FD was, I pulled the rear diff cover (which was leaking oil pretty bad anyway). Diff has the cover with fins, which to me means it's from an auto. either 4.44, 4.11, or 3.54 ratio. which upset me because I was told the tranny was 95 imp which means 3.9... Those aren't hard to find. So whatever. Anyway, pulled the cover, counted the teeth on the R&P gears, and sure enough, a 4.11.

So then I copied down the serial number on the tranny and matched it up to the numbers in my PDF with suby tranny ratios. It's a 94 impreza box, which is good. That means it actually is a 4.11. Yay. I have the right diff.... Or so I thought. Starting a new thread on something here in a minute.

Yep! When I passed you twice today I was on my way, and on my way back from getting it.

Looking at the gear ratios, the 94 has really strange ratios compared to the newer boxes. 1-4 gears are a bit higher, and spaced really different. So it might take some getting used to. Or maybe it's closer to the GL, I'd have to look at those ratios.
