Yep! I have that chart saved to my hard drive! It's a great resource.

It's how I found out what it was in the first place, and what the gear ratios are on various boxes

I just wish there was an updated one with post-2005 information. But fortunately I'm always dealing with old junk, so it doesn't bother me too much.

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chris , when do you plan on doing the swap ? id like to come over and help if you don't mind , it will make my swap that much easier.

Sure! Come on over. The more the merrier.

Dan is gonna give me a hand because it's a really sucky job to do alone. And I've never done tranny stuff before on a subaru. Sure I could do it alone, but Dan will make it take much less time and swearing. Besides I don't have POOP for tools.

So ya, I have no idea when I'll get to it. I'm working every weekend all this month and next, Dan works all week, I have no money, etc. But it will happen, and when it does you're invited

Sure! Come on over. The more the merrier.

Dan is gonna give me a hand because it's a really sucky job to do alone. And I've never done tranny stuff before on a subaru. Sure I could do it alone, but Dan will make it take much less time and swearing. Besides I don't have POOP for tools.

So ya, I have no idea when I'll get to it. I'm working every weekend all this month and next, Dan works all week, I have no money, etc. But it will happen, and when it does you're invited


Who ever wants to show up... I'll say when it's happening and just show up!

The day before I'll probably PB blaster/loosen every bolt and make sure everything is going to come apart. Probably start on stuff like pedal box, clutch stuff, and the rear end. But tranny isn't getting dropped until Dan comes with jacks and that sort of stuff, so you'll definitely witness the bulk of it.

Yup, pick a weekend and I'll be there. Got all sorts of tools I'll be bringing.

I've done a clutch job and two trans swaps on my car, I'm good at it now

Thanks so much Dan! I just skimmed the thread now, looks awesome! I'll have more time tonight to really read it!!

So today I got fedup with massholes tailgating me. So I devised a solution to the problem. I built a prototype on my hour long lunch break at home and it works fantastic.

It's called the SmokeScreen. And it's now patented by me

Here's how it works. There's a bottle of ATF under my hood. With a hose going into it. The hose goes to a vac solenoid which goes the intake. After the throttle body.

So I let off the gas which builds up a nice manifold vacuum, push the button to open the solenoid for a second or two. Let off the button. Downshift and slam on the gas.

This results in a fantastically huge cloud of nasty smelling white smoke billowing out of my car. It's not completely done yet, but I already tested the prototype out on some unfortunate out of statter driving a hummer with all the windows open.

They backed right off, and after the smoke cleared, they stayed backed off



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nice idea Chris...but you didn't exactly invent it...Q rigged a smokescreen for James Bond's Aston Martin waaay back in the 1960s

got a good LOL thinking of the tailgatin massholes getting gassed (esp with their sunroof open)

So when you're driving down 295 just out of portland at 80mph.... and your header-back falls off... HOLY LOVING SURPRISING!

Fortunately I had a bunch of water in my car to cool it off with, then load it in. THAT was a really loud sucky ride home. Took a while too, avoiding all the major towns/police stations...

That sucks... I would have driven right down Main Street in Damriscotta... all they can do is give you a fix it ticket... you have the part which needs to be fixed with you

I have heard one on headers just once, only in neutral tho... from experience exhaust notes tend to be different with the engine under a load.

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