The secret to heartbeat is to ignore it until you hear the audible blip it makes when someone is around, then just glance at it and go back to trashing kids.the only problem with heartbeat is i tend to rely on it too much and either get hit from behind or miss something on the minimap/on screen
My roommate doesn't use it much, matter of preference. My reasoning for stopping power / steady aim so much is that I like direct perks that will leave you alive and them dead in a firefight. Active perks. Hardline and one man army for examples in comparison are passive perks, they do not directly affect a 1 on 1 encounter. If you win a firefight, that helps your map positioning, kill streak, denies there streak, etc. There are times to use other perks, but I generally have my use steady aim quite a bit eh? i don't tend to hip fire very often. i've seen it used effectively for no scoping with the barrett, but for the most part i'm always looking down the scope
Portal 2 is coming out!All are awesome games ive been through the oringal halflife and all the expansions along with hl2 and all the thiefs.
you never played tag, or hide and seek, or anything fun as a child did you. . ...
asome game? yes!! worth 60 bucks? hell no. was way to easy to beat great storry but after it was all said and doen i felt used a bit like it wasent worth the money and the multiplayer isn't good enought o kep me interested. im giving it to a friend instead of paying him 50 bucks i owe him. i say its more of a rental than a purchaseIs this just a MW thread....or can I talk about how much Bioshock 2 rocked my world?
i have no problem with any type of gameplay. whatever keeps you alive/kills the most then tried and true is a tar-21 with grenade launcher and stinger as secondary. use claymore for my explosives. for perks i go with scavenger cold blooded pro and ninja pro.
im a big fan of" noob tubing" wich im tired of peopel complainign about. its part of the game and a lot less cheap them akimbo model 1887 shotguns.
i love to get a good solid elevated position secure it with claymores and then keep replenishing the exploded claymores with my scavenger ive found it to work well on 80 percent of the maps except for large ones liek estate or afghan
asome game? yes!! worth 60 bucks? hell no. was way to easy to beat great storry but after it was all said and doen i felt used a bit like it wasent worth the money and the multiplayer isn't good enought o kep me interested. im giving it to a friend instead of paying him 50 bucks i owe him. i say its more of a rental than a purchase