Head on collision coming home from Evergreen tonight

damn... that sucks so hard.

Glad you're (mostly) OK though.

Remember to make sure insurance covers the new depreciation of your car's value due to the accident (and unclean title), not just the repair costs.

Good luck!

Has anyone here dealt with a car accident situation like this where aftermarket parts are involved? I mean obviously the body shop isn't going to be able to get a hold of all of my JDM parts that got destroyed in the accident. Since there has been no estimate yet, I haven't really been able to ask about this issue...

What a mess

be patient grasshoppa!

JDM parts may complicate repairs, most likely you will have to source them so the shop can use em for repairs. Perhaps you can source loaner/el cheapo used USDM parts so that the body shop can complete repairs in a more timely fashion and you just bolt in the JDM stuff later. give the shop a list of JDM stuff so they can plan repiars better.

this kind of issue is where you will find out if you insurance rep is a man or a weasel. they are supposed to help you thru this kind of situation.

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So you're saying that if I tell them about all of the parts that got damaged that are not "OEM", they will either A) Pay and track down the parts if I tell them where they can locate them or
They cut me a check of the damaged non-OEM parts, and I can buy/install myself?

each ins co and even each ins office has different procedures in place.

call your rep, explain your situation and see how they can help you. you might have to start by explaining to them just what "JDM" means and how it's important to you and how that affects value of the car. they will probably want documentation of actual costs of jdm bits you had on the car that are busted.

your insurance payments have been keeping them employed, remember!

I had an issue with homeowners insurance where they wanted to pay me $600 for a computer that 1 1/2 years before sold for $4,500 and I had several graphics and memory upgrades. We wheeled and dealed back and forth until I said, well I can get a comparable computer from this place for this price, $2500. They cut me a check and that was the end of it. Most of the time, legally, its thier responsibility to reimburse you for your loss in a fair way. If it sounds to them like you have a solution that will save you time and save them money, they will go with that. Hope that helps.

Sorry to hear about the car! OMG, I didn't expect this! That's horrible. Just a few weeks ago I was looking at that sweet pic google took of it. and now this!

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glad you're OK. did the other guy have to ride in an ambulance because you tried to kill him:banana: j/k

years ago one of my cars got hit in a parking lot, not my fault, I wasn't even in it. the insurance company only wanted to pay for cheap parts NOT OEM parts. the attorney I worked for was pissed and took them to court for me to get them to pony up for OEM parts, even had a body guy come in to testify why they are better. We lost, judge voted that the cheap **** was OK because the car was not new!
you will have to fight, especially if the other guy has a bad insurance company!

I just got my WRX with insurance money because a co worker totalled my pickup. The insurance company is supposed to cover your loss, thie important thing is not to sign ANYTHING from the insurance company until you are satisfied, they are on the hook until you sign that paper, so you have a bit of leverage. I hope everything works out for you man, that really blows. A word of advice, which might be common knowledge, i dont know. If you are EVER involved in an accident, you ALWAYS allow the medics to treat you, or transport you, if you say "no, im fine." and dont take that ride, the insurance company WILL NOT pay for any medical expenses caused by the accident, and we all know, like people have previously mentioned, that stuff can show up days or weeks later. just my .02, anyway man, best of luck to you, im very glad you are healthy.

damn son! welcome to the suck
glad to hear your ok tho, as far as what you should get most ins. co. will ask for an estimate so just go somewhere that will give you a higher quote to cover your aftermarket stuff or if you have receipts that would be in the quote anyway.

usually the aftermath with ins. crap is worst then the accident

good luck

Hey Ry,

Ive dealt with it on both sides JDM cars in accidents and JDM parts on US cars in accidents..Feel free to give me a buzz




Has anyone here dealt with a car accident situation like this where aftermarket parts are involved? I mean obviously the body shop isn't going to be able to get a hold of all of my JDM parts that got destroyed in the accident. Since there has been no estimate yet, I haven't really been able to ask about this issue...
What a mess
Honestly (and speaking from experience) hope that your car is totaled, buy it back and part it out/keep what you want. The body shop/insurance company is going to be a pain in the ass, especially without a part/receipt list.

Overall the best thing is your ok, and you may even have a new project out of this, or at least some fresh paint on the front end.

Hey Ry, Ive dealt with it on both sides JDM cars in accidents and JDM parts on US cars in accidents..Feel free to give me a buzz



Will definitely be talking to you, thank you.

Honestly (and speaking from experience) hope that your car is totaled, buy it back and part it out/keep what you want. The body shop/insurance company is going to be a pain in the ass, especially without a part/receipt list.
Overall the best thing is your ok, and you may even have a new project out of this, or at least some fresh paint on the front end.
Absolutely not!!! If my car is claimed to be totaled, that is a TOTAL loss for me on my part. That would be the WORST case scenario IMO for that to happen. I am worried that it might be claimed totaled, especially since my front suspension has been banged up bad. Generally speaking, if they claim it totaled, and give me lets say 6-8k for it, that leaves me with 4-6k of pocket change after since I still owe 2-3k on the loan. Being a full time college student, my car is worth A LOT more to me then what they insurance company says it is... which I know doesn't mean much to the insurance company.

Update: Their insurance company has assumed full responsibility for my damage. Good news thus far...

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Glad you're okay Ryan!

Important Note:

Everyone with a moderately modified car, please remember to add a "Custom Parts" rider to your insurance policy.

They vary by company, mine with Vt. Mutual is (I think) about $100/yr for $12,000 in Custom Parts coverage-and that's their Max. If I wanted more I'd have had to go with a "specialty insurer", and that's "Por$che Turbo" grade coverage.

On top of that, if my car' totaled, the insurance a-holes will fight to the death NOT to pay that $12K-trust me, that's how they roll-and why I have a huge pile of reciepts.

Add that rider, it could be Priceless.


Gap insurance usually doesn't apply to older car loans...but it's great if (gasp!) buying a Kia or Hyundai-

However, if buying an Accord with 20% down, itsa' waste of money.


Gap insurance usually doesn't apply to older car loans...but it's great if (gasp!) buying a Kia or Hyundai-However, if buying an Accord with 20% down, itsa' waste of money.

false. getting gap insurance through the dealership you bought it from would be a huge advantage. i know if i totaled the sti before i sold it i would owe like 5 grand because of how hard car values took a hit in the past year. my gap insurance would have covered all of that plus the 1k deductable.

-----Added 12/3/2009 at 09:00:12-----

to add to that. obviously the further into your loan you get, the more principle you start paying. this starts closing the gap. so i suppose you're correct in saying the older your loan is the less it matters
