Heres my gay bimmer

Nate sweet ride. Look forward to seeing it fly by the house. I buzzed your house yesterday with the toaster in pedal smashing speed:lol:

219 is a short cut between Augusta/Winthrop and Rt 26 toward Sunday River. It's about 20 miles of twists crests and whoop-de-doos over wicked rough pavement. fun scooby road, but in a slammed Beemer with 30 series tires....ouchie. my buddy George was makin sparks on it with his lowered S4, and they wasn't comin out the tailpipe either!
there are dozens and dozens of those roads to deal with in our fair state.
This is the road I tested my winter rubber during the first snow storm this "winter" it every weekend to camp in the summer time...when the weather is fine.

also; all the "just like every other M3 out there" talk.....really? How many other Competition Packaged M3's have you seen in MAINE, nevermind the town he lives in? I would like to get some shots of this car after the detailing if you ever want to venture this way Nate.
Thanks man. Yea if I should be detailing it sometime this weekend and I will let you know when I make it up around there.

Nate sweet ride. Look forward to seeing it fly by the house. I buzzed your house yesterday with the toaster in pedal smashing speed:lol:

Lol is that what that was? Ive ripped past your house a few times. My car sounds something like a street bike so listen for that.

I forgot how much you have to respect high hp rwd cars when you turn off the traction control. Ive spun her around a few times already. I need to improve my driver mod nigel. Hahaha

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I forgot how much you have to respect high hp rwd cars when you turn on the traction control. Ive spun her around a few times already. I need to improve my driver mod nigel. Hahaha
less right foot, countersteer quicker. don't wait to feel the back end step out, you know it's gonna so be ready to catch it.

less right foot, countersteer quicker. don't wait to feel the back end step out, you know it's gonna so be ready to catch it.
Hmmm alright that's what I was thinking

So I got it back from its checkup and they said its in great shape but it needs a few small things and pads and rotors all the way around. When I saw the bill for that I almost **** my pants. So I called the dealer I bought it from and he said to fax him the invoice and he will cut a check which I was amazed how cool he was.

that's great man....

I posted a while ago that my older brother bought a 2005 325i a few months back and it has given him nothing but a headache and a (much) lighter wallet.. Good to hear that you're dealing with some better BMW folks than he is.

yikes. glad to hear the dealership is taking care of you, especially since you bought a 4 year old car. But if you **** yourself at just brakes, what about when you've got a real repair or more laborious scheduled maintenance...?

yikes. glad to hear the dealership is taking care of you, especially since you bought a 4 year old car. But if you **** yourself at just brakes, what about when you've got a real repair or more laborious scheduled maintenance...?
Well like anything car related I already priced out doing the brakes myself and ordering the parts online and it came out to a much more resonable ammount.

this thread needs MOAR pictures Nate...

So the dealer got back to me and he offered either to replace all the brakes at his shop in ct or send me $750 for his cost on the parts. The way im looking at it is a day worth of driving to ct or a day worth of tearing into the brakes. Fixing brakes sounds like a lot more fun hahaha

I just ordered everything came to $950 shipped. All OEM bmw pads, rotors, and wear sensors. that's really not bad.
