Mini Group Drive

Hmmm, well it seems I don't know what Im doing apparently. I could not embed the map, then I also could not properly save the route. The top route is correct, except for some reason it doesn't trace all the way back to auburn. The second link is the map I created with embeded directions. That route is correct but does not appear to be Ideal for printing. Sorry Guys.

well both links work.. so we should be all go and everone with a walkie should bring them incase other people in the drive dont have one thanx.

There's a button/link at the top of the google map that says "Link." That's the easiest way to link to the map. I don't know if copying the URL is the same thing or not though.

So I may make the trek up to Auburn, but then I would like to ride along with somebody else (if I can make it at all). I'm barely making enough to pay for gas as it is!

rays rs told me that you will be going through rangeley. Defenetly count me in for going from auburn to rangeley but ill leave off there for some holiday dirt drifting.
Jared, I also may bail out in Rangeley, or possibly go down to Dixfield and then back up. Not driving to Auburn and back twice! Want to drive along with me to Auburn in the AM? Call me.

Jared, I also may bail out in Rangeley, or possibly go down to Dixfield and then back up. Not driving to Auburn and back twice! Want to drive along with me to Auburn in the AM? Call me.
Johny. im in the same boat im driven from portland for the drive then stayin in rangeley for the weekend i was thinkin of doing the whole run to jay/turner and then turnen back for rangeley so we can get all that dirt! do u want to convoy back to rangeley?

-----Added 11/22/2009 at 03:56:12-----

Lot's of great side roads around Rangeley. I'll meet you somewhere along the way.
BALLIN!! PAPA GAC in the house! more turbos:D and ryan and i r using the wakies BTW

-----Added 11/22/2009 at 03:58:42-----

There's a button/link at the top of the google map that says "Link." That's the easiest way to link to the map. I don't know if copying the URL is the same thing or not though.
So I may make the trek up to Auburn, but then I would like to ride along with somebody else (if I can make it at all). I'm barely making enough to pay for gas as it is!
i should have a seat free if u make it up/;)

Looks amazing Ryan, thanks again. Also, on the map page Ryan does bring up a point that has been quiet...I did hit Hannaford today and bought three of the Thanksgiving dinners in the name of These are inexpensive and I would have done it whether or not we had this ride, but if you would like to participate in the donation you're welcome to. See everyone this Wednesday...

Bring your walkies

Fill you tank before meeting up at noon

Don't expect to have a clean car when we're finished:D

im pretty excited too, i looked and its like a 50% chance of rain but that's what wipers and fog lights are for!

Well talked to the tree guy again today and he may be able to get there early so I may join in at some point! Need dirt!

Johny. im in the same boat im driven from portland for the drive then stayin in rangeley for the weekend i was thinkin of doing the whole run to jay/turner and then turnen back for rangeley so we can get all that dirt! do u want to convoy back to rangeley?
I don't think I'm goin' all the way to Turner. More than likely, Dixfield.

Dan, since I will be leading for the final leg and I live closer to Auburn I will guide everyone back to Auburn. No problem if anyone wants to join late or drop out early. I am sure we can accomodate. I don't want to post my cell number but if anyone wants it and doesn't have it they can PM me, that way we can stay in contact over long range if you are comming late. Anyone that is starting with us in Auburn we can exchange numbers at the Park & Ride.

I don't think I'm goin' all the way to Turner. More than likely, Dixfield.

that works for me too affter byron we can make a left on 142 and get right back to rt4 in phillips how's that sound?

-----Added 11/23/2009 at 10:01:14-----

:wh:Looks like you guys have it all figured out:wh:
Hey thanx Mike
