So lots of dirt I take it??? Let the chips fly.
There is a fair amount of dirt. Dan and I have put together a final route that details the longest possible route taking backroads over state routes where ever possible. We should have enough copies of the route to go around but I suspect for the most part we will not need them. The problem with the whole dirt thing, apparently in recent years the state has seen fit to pave a lot of them. a lot of the roads we are taking between strong and madrid use to be dirt or part dirt but are no longer. There are a lot of roads I would call roughly paved that often have gravel on the pavement and/or curvy S turn type segements. Some of them are like roller coasters. Some of them a scenic like Rt.17 also know as "The Rangeley Scenic By-way". And yes there is dirt. The majority of dirt will be found on the Byron road between Coos Canyon and Weld. There are a fair amount of hunters and hikers out there too so we will need to keep an eye out. We also will see dirt on the 2nd half of the South Shore Road in Rangeley.
If some of you have never been to Rangeley before I think you will be in for a treat. Rangeley is beautiful practically any time of year. We will probably go in to town for a rest stop and store/gas stop if necessary before jumping on the South Shore Road. We can also stop for pictures at the scenic overlooks if some of us have never seen them before. After the scenery it is a short trip to Coos Canyon where we will jump on the Byron road.
We also have recalculated the route on Google Maps following all the roads we wanted and it calculated the route to be a little over 5 hours. I think that is a very conservative estimate. We should able to beat it pretty easily. If some of you need to leave the group early we will hardly ever be more than a few miles from good fast state roads like Rt2, Rt4, Rt17 etc. We should be able to give you easy directions on a much faster route back to Auburn.
FYI, I did a check on the road conditions for a large part of our Route today. Had to give my new blizzaks and winter rims a thorough breaking in. I drove from Auburn where I met Dan to plan the route, back through Rt. 4 and jumped on to 108 back up through Canton and down the Canton Point road, through Dixfield and up to Weld. I then jumped on the Byron Rd, and took it a reasonable enough speed to have fun. The road is in great condition and has just enough moisture content to keep us from kicking up dust. The road also looks like its been recently graded as well!
We should have no trouble at all. I also hit the Rangeley Scenic By-Way and skipped up to the South Shore Road. We are more likely to get chipped paint on this short 1 to 2 mile stretch than any where else. I then went to Rangeley for gas and took Rt4 to Phillips and off to visit some friends. I basically drove half of our group drive and it took me just about 2 hours.
As long as the weather holds out for us, this should be a BLAST!!!!
:ro:Hope to see you all Wednesday!!!