*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

Maybe when I'm done with school
I'll look you up then.

still nada sticking. It looks like rain when its falling, but its definitely snow(ish) when it hits your windshield.

Its sticking in Yarmouth now. There's enough that my driveway is white, but it doesn't look like any more than 1/2".

I'm not sure if what is coming down is rainy snow, or snowy rain. It is falling very fast, but it is white. And it is sort of accumulating on the deck. but also sort of running off. It is whiteish though. Kinda clear ... skitzofrenic precipitation.

We have a few inches now!
It was sketchy last night in the g35... its bad when your VDC shuts down and just lights up slip on the dash! Someone really should have thought of that when building the safety for the traction system... It shuts off and you have to turn the car off and on again to get it to start back up... Not that I normally drive with it on anyways.

I am extremely glad I decided not to put the new subie up for the winter. It would have been a tradgedy, even though I have already taken rock chip damage to my windshield and both fog lights. This thing flies, even in slippery conditions. I have not had a single close call yet. Hopefully it stays that way! I am finding that the normal road condition so far this winter is one of 3 things, shallow powder, sand covered tar, or glare ice. These blizzaks help my car to take all 3 like a champ.

Friday, into Saturday, into Sunday. A nor'easter that's going to just stall over us.

The weatherman has been more acurate lately. I remember years ago when they said we were in for it and we got hardly anything and say flurries and we got dumped on. In fact I remember Uncle Weatherby who had only a chalk board
