*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

Snow good, potential freezing rain not so good
its been over 40 days for real moisture. the lightning flakes and a static bomb of new headgasket has been a nightmare japan won't ever understand...

I may wait up late to drive around if I catch freezing rain dropping. Am I the only one with a body temp that raised 30 degrees today?

warm one.

if you feel rumbles in the middle of the night, its just a 90hp subaru excreting the last of its nuclear mishap in the snow...don't worry, it disappears after attempting to self replicate for a few seconds .. no harm done.

its been over 40 days for real moisture. the lightning flakes and a static bomb of new headgasket has been a nightmare japan won't ever understand...

I may wait up late to drive around if I catch freezing rain dropping. Am I the only one with a body temp that raised 30 degrees today?

warm one.

if you feel rumbles in the middle of the night, its just a 90hp subaru excreting the last of its nuclear mishap in the snow...don't worry, it disappears after attempting to self replicate for a few seconds .. no harm done.

i think he says his head gasket went, replaced it and he wont be driving it until later because its going to smoke a lot?????

how the hell did you figure that out? I thought he was trying to say he was going to write his name in the snow if he could get enough to drink only if his antique Subaru would start,

...so confused

Dear inski. I only plowed from 11pm to 5am. The truck I had last night lost the internals of its muffler. 200hp cat straight pipe must have woken a few people up... and gave me a migraine

<- sick of snow. I'm really grateful there aren't any large events in the near future. While I love overtime money, I'm ready to get out on my bike, or go to the range or something

I wish it would just stay a flat 60F all the time.

But also that snow was warm, like 80F, and didn't melt unless glared at.

Oh good, because if the ice on my steep driveway isn't bad enough, snow on top of the ice will make it worse!!

I really don't want anymore snow. Looks like we might get a little, but looks to be mostly north. I just want spring, with a few hot days to dry things out so it's not too muddy

Yeah you are a douche for saying that. But I can understand wanted to play in the snow with a subie


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