*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

I didn't get hardly any snow time in the sube. There was a dusting when I went to work, drove a big orange plow truck with tire chains all day, and the roads were black and wet when I went home. It was actually kinda disappointing

Power went off around 9:30 and is still off. Thank God for the standby generator. Called CMP to get an update when I got home around 5 and they reported outages in every town in York county and have no clue when power will be restored.

I was concerned today because io put my snows away for the summer performace tires and what a diff.....snow tires are awesome in the snow clearly....I was sliding all over the place.....with that said,................no more please.

Rain for most of us except for Ray & Natesbealieu way up north. They could get close to a foot, hope they still have their winter treads on.

want to fornicate? It started to snow in Acton around 9:30 and is still snowing. What happed to the rain.
Spring Is Officially Here in the midcoast....the very last snowbank hiding behind my barn (big pile where snow slides off metal roof) melted into oblivion over the weekend.

praise be to warm wind n rain! (except in winter!)

but then again, went hiking in Camden Hills State Park on Sunday...still plenty of white stuff lurking in the dark woods on north side of the hills.

ice is out of all local lakes n ponds, basically a full month+ later than last year.

The last of the plow frames came off the trucks at work today, dog has had a tick already and I got attacked by a black fly earlier. I reckon summer is knockin on the door


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