*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

gee I hope it is.....im heading to indian pond next week for a week...close to moxie/moosehead....ice needs to be out to catch salmon!!!

I was getting bug splatters on the pike earlier. And got wicked toasty cutting damaged trees at my grandmothers house... also found out how much wet maple it takes to max out my struts: not much

Ice out from Rangeley Lake was 3:00pm on May 4th.
Time for a swim!!!

If you jump in now, you'll choke on yer nuts, from the inside!!

Lots 'o fishermen today. I counted 17 trucks at the town launch at about 7:30 this morning.

Looks like we are going to get are 1st snow of the season. Not much is expected but the temps are cold enough topped out at 38 and is down to 34 already.

I had something more solid than rain hitting my wisdshield this morning.

I wouldn't call it snow though... More like viscus rain.


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