*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

words of advice for our upcoming storm. don't park on the damn street if you can avoid it, especially in the city where I plow, we're serious about towing cars this year. don't put the snow from your driveway in the road, you'll get twice as much back if the plow guy can manage it, stay off the roads if at all possible, we hate having to fight with traffic to get the streets cleared. this has been a public service announcement from a municipal plow driver
Just make sure you and your cohorts avoid the back roads like you're suppose to until its over.

words of advice for our upcoming storm. don't park on the damn street if you can avoid it, especially in the city where I plow, we're serious about towing cars this year. don't put the snow from your driveway in the road, you'll get twice as much back if the plow guy can manage it, stay off the roads if at all possible, we hate having to fight with traffic to get the streets cleared. this has been a public service announcement from a municipal plow driver
Just make sure you and your cohorts avoid the back roads like you're suppose to until its over. haha

Maine should adopt a winter road policy similar to Vermont. It is far more fiscally responsible.

6-8" here in Jefferson already. No mixing yet. Just went to Augusta and back this morning, what a blast. And then came home and took the new snowmobile for a rip. Can't wait till the lake is frozen!

10+ in Lincolnville, back side of Mt Megunticook. Dorifto heaven, heh there are already 2' high snowbanks. Snowball um, had a ball.

ppl are such gumbies driving in first snow. 13 miles to work, saw 5 cars off: Focus ditched nose down, the guy was standing out in snow in a shirt no hat or coat, SO clueless. Tacoma slid off, I saw him earlier and thought, "uh-oh, too fast for them fat tires". Quattro sedan went off going way too fast, bounced thru ditch, kissed a phone pole and mowed down a nice lady's barberry hedge. Heh, bad morning for "Mr Audi thinks he's invincible." Then a Cav that ditch surfed and shed most of its horrid body kit. etc etc

After driving both my new Toyota Tundra and rustbucket hardly running '93 subie in the snow. I now know why everyone is so in love with subaru. Wow is all I have to say... Well, wow and when is it gonna snow again?

10+ in Lincolnville, back side of Mt Megunticook. Dorifto heaven, heh there are already 2' high snowbanks. Snowball um, had a ball.

ppl are such gumbies driving in first snow. 13 miles to work, saw 5 cars off: Focus ditched nose down, the guy was standing out in snow in a shirt no hat or coat, SO clueless. Tacoma slid off, I saw him earlier and thought, "uh-oh, too fast for them fat tires". Quattro sedan went off going way too fast, bounced thru ditch, kissed a phone pole and mowed down a nice lady's barberry hedge. Heh, bad morning for "Mr Audi thinks he's invincible." Then a Cav that ditch surfed and shed most of its horrid body kit. etc etc
HAHAH! This made me laugh.

It was 75 degrees today and I went for a walk on the beach, shorts, t-shirt, and barefoot...

Inski, Vt does the following:

2hr rotation. no expectation of clear roads, only 'passable' main roads. secondary roads are on a 4hr rotation. travel at a safe speed given conditions. and basically if you suck at driving stay home until the storm is over. And I have heard of a few people ticketed for reckless driving after stuffing it without snow tires.

no snow here kind of bummed and happy at the same time bats dead in the Audi and the GF's 2011 Ford Focus sucks in the snow


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