*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

Its just not right... Im starting to load up on ammo because the zombie Apocalypse has GOT to be close by! However I did just leave a message for my grandmother who just moved to Florida to "get out of this damn cold weather and go where its always hot" My message contained nothing but "HAHAHAHAHAHA"

True. I tend to not think about that since our heat is included in rent and it stays 80 in here all winter

So who is looking for snow before Christams ? I am as long as it doesn`t snow Chistmas morning. I am picking up my daughter at the airport.

I definitely want a white Christmas. Seems we may have a chance for some either Weds/Thurs but I don't know any details yet... just that we have a chance at some. All I'm asking is just a little bit for the holiday. It doesn't seem very festive with leaves and stuff still blowing around.

Same here! Except now it is getting a bit brighter out and it's already melting

how in the heck were there 3 accidents with 1 inch of snow... dont want to sound ignorant here, but how does snow affect you THAT much while driving?? (watch me get wrapped around a tree in the next snow storm...karma hehe)

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