*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

Well that was just rt 1. We had another off on a side road. Thing is it does not take much to let you go sideways. Also the stretch of rt 1 I was on has had many accidents this time of the year. Oh, while redirecting traffic I watched 4 or 5 car lock brakes up and one awd car actually slid off right next to me. Only way to combat the snow is to pay attention and watch what your doing. Getting snow tires is not the end all be all solution. I do not have snows and only had trouble in 1 spot, pulling into the station. Its all in smoothness of driving and knowing the limits.

And it was more like 3-4 inches here

They are calling for 1-3 inches in my area. I am hoping it doesn't turn into a larger storm. Hopefully everyone is better prepared unlike last saturday.

I already have a few inches on the ground here. And I've lost my damn satellite signal... so no TV

Just sayin. I'd prefer 2-4 inches a week in snow, then warm up to 50 in between storms. That would be ok. Wet sloppyness for one day, then melt away!

I'd say about the same here Mainiac... I'm not that far from you though. It's wet and heavy stuff too. Sticking to all the branches and wires.

I'm actually hoping so. I am ready for some snow! I want Christmas to look like Christmas.
I would also like christmas to be in the high 50's: http://www.wunderground.com/q/zmw:00000.1.40184

at this point I say keep the snow and bring back some warm weather...I can deal with 50s

They are calling for 1-3 inches in my area. I am hoping it doesn't turn into a larger storm. Hopefully everyone is better prepared unlike last saturday.
You stop. I am still on summer tires

Then go play in the snow!!

There's an inch of snow sitting on my GL already....

I need to get some new snow tires.
I have some for sale (16's)

Oh and I still hate snow.

Same here Pedro. I'm referring to last Saturday when flurries turned into inches.

I spent a few hours redirecting traffic. That's all.

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I don't remember getting any snow last week.

anywho. I refuse to recognize winter.

Snow sucks! On with global warming!

*idles car all day in the car park*

Wish I could... but slinging around in the car probably isn't the best thing for 3 herniated discs... not to mention I'm on short term disability right now... I'm sure if my boss caught wind of me messing around he'd just love that! lol


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