OffRoad BA Subaru

Let me know if you sell your lift.

That's how you know, you beat the **** out of your car!! LOL It takes quite a bit to break a strut in half!! Congrats!!

Haha thanks? Yeah I was more impressed then upset really. Impreza05 Ill let you know if I end up not using them

Haha I would but I got a good deal on some regular struts. So I got the car towed last nite to Miller Subaru and it should be ready for the dirt again Thursday. Subaru said they were impressed how it snapped in half. Probably wont beat on it as bad as before, but Im not making any promises

Heres my car on Jackson Rally's Rally car! It circled in red

NOMY****HASNTCOMEINYET! Theres a contest in december for JK lifts, lights, and some other car parts for those donated.

Haha I just got the regular ones. But heeeeehaaawww finnaly got my car back today! **** I missed driving. I dont know what the stealership did, but the car feels tighter now too. This Saturday I've got my first Rally-X! Can't wait going to be tons O' fun.

Nah it was jumped or anything hehe. No it wasnt leaking before, I think they just finnaly aligned everything, deffiantly a nice thing. You should have seen how much the car shoke driving 70/80+mph, it was nuts! The mud didnt help it all either.

Couple Random Pics:

New Strut (Shiny):

Sugar House Park:

How she looks on a daily basis:

Rally Pig!:

And there is soo much win in the picture, its unbelieveable


While you cool cats were chilling in the rain this is what Ive been up to:


My buddy after falling:

My lime green sexyness:

The Scooby:
