The Eric Benson Memorial Dirt Drive - November 28th

so can i count on you to come play with us Nigel? i got a road for you that will BLOW your mind... absolutely... and its on the route

ME! This sounds like a blast!

If outback wheels will fit on my legacy I'll probably drive that, it handles better. Otherwise it's up to the GL monster.

Skid plate? Yes? no? I can definitely fab one up before then if I need... Wouldn't be hard.

if you pay attention and avoid the rock heads, no not needed. there are spots in the route booked noted as accordingly.

my brother was also thinking about going out the week before and spraying the BIG rocks orange.

I will need a co-driver. I want to drive

First dibs on co-driver go to Jason.

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niceeeee. Umaine is on break that weekend.

If im not skiing by then

i dont know if i should drive or co drive .....

well there will be people looking for codrivers im sure (read previous posts) just because you wouldnt be driving doesn't mean you wont have fun! who knows? maybe the driver of the car you are codriving in might let you drive a leg or so...doesn't hurt to ask..

November 28th is the Date! the event is going hot!

yes indeed, i got a few more people agreeing that the 28th is a great weekend for this event. so for me that's a go.

sorry if this doesn't work for some, its impossible to accomodate 100% of the people when it comes to making events.

I don't see why I can't make that date!!

Is it gonna be snowing up there by then?

when making the route book yesterday and driving the route, we saw two moose along the way! cant guarantee a moose sighting for the drive, but the chances are EXTREMELY good we will. amazing animals to see in the wild.
I drove some of the road today going to work.... saw 5 moose......

IF someone wants an interesting ride, my right seat is open.... hehe..

I want to point out that i drive a good section of these roads to work... i also dont have a skidplate installed
this will be fun.., and so what if there is a little snow.. hehe

Snow would make it interesting...

If I can't get 99 outback wheels with (pretty worn...) studded tires to fit on my legacy I'll have to drive the GL. My legacy has hopelessly bald tires...

i let a few more northern guys know about this ride, hoping to get over 12 cars not including organizers. this would be epic!!!

once i hammer out a few details, this could turn into the first Eric Benson Memorial Dirt Drive! with a small donation per car to go into the Eric Benson Scholarship Fund! and i imagine there will also be some of the EB decals for sale at the drive as well to continue the support.

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