The Eric Benson Memorial Dirt Drive - November 28th

Some time before the drive are you going to post up a PDF or something with the route? That way we can have some time to study it over, or we just get it when we get there and have a blast?

i would love to come out but i dont have a clutch it barely moves driving it around let alone having some fun maybe ill have a new one by the date (ihope)

Will there be a lot of rocks/pot holes involved? I'm going to try and get Shorty to go but I think everyone here knows how particular about his car. He wouldn't want to dent a wheel or pop a tire.

Well, We could make a map of the route, but I think that'd take away from the TSD feel of the event.. As for rocks and potholes, well they ARE dirt roads in far Eastern Maine.. Plan accordingly.. Broken tires and rims could happen.. I've broke 2 Gravels tires and 1 rim out on these roads over the summer... You have to just drive within your limits..

There is always the option of if you fear your car, or your care isn't properly prepared for such roads, there is always the Co-driver option... (and my right seat is open, even tho I really don't need a "co-driver" per say..

i have the route book in Doc format...i will print copies for the drive, half the roads on here wont appear on google maps.

im out the door to Quebec now for the weekend, Rally Charlevoix, crewing for USUK Racing this weekend.

cya when i get back

i have the route book in Doc format...i will print copies for the drive, half the roads on here wont appear on google maps.

im out the door to Quebec now for the weekend, Rally Charlevoix, crewing for USUK Racing this weekend.

cya when i get back
All of it is actually on Google Maps.. Just sayin

I might do this..... in the Brat

need to finish the twin stick first and replace lf wheel bearing.

In the brat, that'd be interesting!

What wheel bearing?

There's a nice guide on USMB for fronts, and I have one on here for rears. Not to hard at all!

the left front bearing is junk. I already did the RF, but I'm lazy, so I haven't touched it. I think it would keep up just fine now that I fixed a few things. It's got about 3x the power it had when I got it. Most of it was the timing. Gotta get the twin stick done though, need that low range fwd to get moving. it's severely under geared with those huge tires...

all are welcome boxer. just be at the the Milford On the Run that morning before the start time and get ready for some fun.

bring a friend to read the route book for you.

gps work up that way??? might eliminate the need for co 7 yr old isn't good at directions when needed....." wheres the turn tracey?" "wheres hannah montana live dad?" what.....

gps work up that way??? might eliminate the need for co 7 yr old isn't good at directions when needed....." wheres the turn tracey?" "wheres hannah montana live dad?" what.....
you could do that...but its more fun with a codriver, someone to talk to for 7 hours. lol

find someone anyone to ride along with it will make the trip more enjoyable.

I am currently talking to Dan about this (RangeleyRallyDG). I don't really want to take my Black 2009 WRX Hatch out on 232 miles of rough dirt when I have had so much bad luck already between logs, rocks, pot holes, other drivers and deer. I would just be tempting fate but Dan loves the dirt in his WRB 2008 WRX. If I can't get him to go then I will talk to my buddy George. Hes not a member on here but we have spent many a day beating down the Rangeley sandpits and dirt roads in his 2002 Outback Sport. I should find someone who wants to do this and needs a Co-Driver.

not yet, the route has to be 100% verified. and i want to keep the route a secret...shhh.....makes driving and navigating more fun when you dont know where you are going to be.

its part of the fun.

Once I order me an extra stock rim/tire and make an under panel im in. I got a gps emergency locater and some extra safety stuff my dad had that ill bring as well. What other recommendations besides extra wheels/tow straps..etc. should we bring?


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