The Eric Benson Memorial Dirt Drive - November 28th

Yeah I know some amazing roads in the north west mountains. I DIDN'T REALIZE U DESIGNED THE KIBBY ROADS. I drive those all the time, GREAT 2 HEAR. lol What is your job description ryan? I don't do group RALLY drives anyways, Way 2 dangerous. More people getting in my way and driving off the roads when I'M TRYING TO RALLY is all I need. LOL I understand that you actually rally rezpunk but when you rally the roads are all beaten up. I went on fish pond this summer the day after NEFR when it was all graded and I jizzed in my pants. AMAZING. And that's not the best. IDK if you've herd of morton cut off or Kennebago roads but when they are graded they blow fish pond and sturdevent off the charts. I would Participate in rallying but I'm a poor colege kid.
HAVE FUN THOUGH. Its a good idea

For the record, this isn't "rallying" this is a group drive through the woods..... We are just using a TSD format for safety, and so people don't get rocks in the windshield...

and as one of the coordinators for NEFR, It really upset me to hear you were on the NEFR roads few days after the event.. that is the stuff that leads the organization to loosing roads...

I didn't design the roads, I helped design the High Voltage Transmission line. I had to drive the roads to get to different parts of line to watch them build it and do construction inspection 1 day every week last summer. Its cool to see the turbines up close but be aware, there are security cameras in the trees up there, I AM DEAD SERIOUS. They will have your licence plate number if you tear up thier roads. They keep the roads open for to promote positive public oppinion of wind power and tourism, they also allow the hunters in there for the moose, dear, bear, partridge and what have you. I know the roads are fun, but I drove them in a company truck and got in trouble once because the locals complained that someone in our truck was driving too fast. I didn't go that fast and especially not within a half mile of residences. These are logging roads and it is recommended that you don't travel them unless you have a CB or Marine radio and call out your location every mile marker so the loggers don't hit you. Sunday is the only safe day and I believe they lock a lot of the gates on sundays. Also, like I said, there is a reason we avoided the roads NEFR uses. We don't want to lose any priveledges, or anyone elses.

Yeah, off road makes me thing of jeep wranglers and ancient chevy/ford/dodge pickups with lift kits, rust holes the size of my head and no exhaust crawling over rocks the size of me on rediculously oversized swamp stompers or something.

yes the idea is to stay on the road and on the route. this isn't a "rally" drive, that's not to say that we wont have any fun. some of these roads are a joy to drive at the posted speed limit.

I would place money right now on a bet to say not all posted speed limits were adhered to last weekend in the white mountains, i would bet everything i own saying that.

there is a time and a place for hoonage and there will be places on this route where people can stretch their legs a little and make full use of their Patented Symmetrical AWD systems

but we DO have to be aware that these are still OPEN roads and their WILL be potential for the occasional traffic.

again if you dont want to bring your car, codrivers will be needed for those who do. buddy up!

There may have been some driving at over double the speed limit last weekend.... Your assets are safe

No AWD for me, I'm bringing the 4WD GL monster

There may have been some driving at over double the speed limit last weekend.... Your assets are safe

No AWD for me, I'm bringing the 4WD GL monster
I'd still like to get in on one of these rides with my old gl...

it is a go as of now, no needs awaiting the car, except november being registration month.

that has strangely gone up a lot in four years. I hate how bangor does it.. never know anything until paying. (my car is nickels and dimes, less than 6k miles a year)..if I paid for stuff via actual miles and use.. I'd be a richer person.

done complaining, as of now I am in...without a co-drive. can check around.

Im glad they don't do it that way, I've put over 25,000 miles a year on my daily drivers for the past 9 years or so. MY WRX that I bought in March 2009 with 87 miles on the Odometer, now has over 40,000 miles. And in that time I have also put about 7,500 miles on my old Grand Am and probably 1,500 miles on my Jeep. All my doing.

Also, yes there is a time and place for stretching your cars legs... and its not in Manchester in front of the Apple Orchard at 7:00pm after working a crap ton of overtime. I got pinched last night for the first time in 5 years, 65 in a 50. $185 down the drain.

For the record, this isn't "rallying" this is a group drive through the woods..... We are just using a TSD format for safety, and so people don't get rocks in the windshield...

and as one of the coordinators for NEFR, It really upset me to hear you were on the NEFR roads few days after the event.. that is the stuff that leads the organization to loosing roads...
I am a safe driver and not an idiot when I rally. It was like midnight when we drove the roads and we had 2 cars incase one got a little crazy. I'm not a punk kid who tears roads to raisin for fun. I love rally and that was a prime opportunity on loose gravel.

I didn't design the roads, I helped design the High Voltage Transmission line. I had to drive the roads to get to different parts of line to watch them build it and do construction inspection 1 day every week last summer. Its cool to see the turbines up close but be aware, there are security cameras in the trees up there, I AM DEAD SERIOUS. They will have your licence plate number if you tear up thier roads. They keep the roads open for to promote positive public oppinion of wind power and tourism, they also allow the hunters in there for the moose, dear, bear, partridge and what have you. I know the roads are fun, but I drove them in a company truck and got in trouble once because the locals complained that someone in our truck was driving too fast. I didn't go that fast and especially not within a half mile of residences. These are logging roads and it is recommended that you don't travel them unless you have a CB or Marine radio and call out your location every mile marker so the loggers don't hit you. Sunday is the only safe day and I believe they lock a lot of the gates on sundays. Also, like I said, there is a reason we avoided the roads NEFR uses. We don't want to lose any priveledges, or anyone elses.
Me and Ray and a few other friends drove up there between like 11 pm and 3 am on many occasions this summer. We didn't really rally that hard because the roads were rough all the time. We saw the signs for the cameras 2. We actually went right up and touched one of the towers.
Probably not the greatest idea. It was great fun and we will probably do it again next summer with some other friends

I would love to go on this. But my car isn't set up to survive that. lol If anyone needs a co driver and is coming from southern maine. I would go. It would be a good way to have fun on my birthday. WHO NEEDS CAKE!!!! JUST DIRT!!!!

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my brother needs one, (not really he knows the route) but you would have a lot of fun riding with him, just come on up!

fill cars that come! more than 2 can ride this is a GREAT chance to get out and be social.

I have given two people dibs on my front seat if their cars can't make it... If that falls through anyone else is welcomed for the right seat, and my back seat is open. It doesn't look very comfortable, it's a small car with minuscule leg room in the back... But it's free to whomever wants to ride there.

I'm in as long as nothing comes up with the baby or car. So far have possible co-driver but may need one.

Well if someone need a co driver just pm me and go from there. I dont want to drive 3 hours to be stood up .lol

i know my brother RezDog is looking for one...he doesn't really need it, but it will be a fun ride for one luck vict....uh....passenger.


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