The Eric Benson Memorial Dirt Drive - November 28th

looks like i have to drive the route make sure all the mileages and Tulips are correct. found a few mileage errors after i reedited the route book.

it is VERY important the mileages are correct. because there are plenty of turns to take that lead you the wrong way.

book is nearly 100% now pending final mileage check.

yeah make sure you dont eat anything to heavy for breakfast before riding with nate lol.

haha I was thinking about that guy who does videos, perhaps I could drive him, drop him off on a good place, and have sweep/last vehicle pick him up, go to the regroup, repeat... Could be some interesting videos..

And Rob, we have to re-drive it anyways because we missed a few major corners in our hooning..

I'm going to try like hell to be there. It's 148 miles just for me to drive up north to Milford so it's probably 550 miles round trip for me. I'm guessing that it'd be 11+ hours of driving too! Perhaps I can find a co-driver and drive up the night before...

Casco-Milford-Dirt Drive-Milford-Casco If I can figure out the logistics then I'm in!

I'm in as long as the car behaves and I can save some money by then

same here, except I am awaiting a 205/75/15 inch install.. the quarters on my car are 3 new edges deep (2.4 mm) and may not be as easy to caress the fatty tires in...

doesn't seem much of a problem right now, I think I stretched the car anyway (they still show 3/4 inch space by pre-install measures).. anyhoo. if no tires, I leave the sube home.

Either way it seems I can donate to the fund, the story is a real heart stabber.

got the fambly time off booked from Turkey weekend.

--half-worn snows mounted as dirt tyres, check!

--copilote on tap, check!

--rally computer adjusted to miles from kms, check!

now just gots to rewire the driving/moose-spotter Hellas and we good to go.

oh yeh, and lobotomize the *^&^$^%$^$##@@!!!! keyless entry/security module, too so the car quits locking itself every 2.7 minutes.....

im thinking i will have at least 25 books made. my laser printer cant handle that so i will have to outsource the printing job... Staples is my friend.

there are at least 4-5 cars coming that are not on this forum and i have to try and get an accurate headcount as soon as possible. if there are more than 25 cars coming, people may have to group together... i want everyone to have a book, but i also dont want to print 30 books for only 18 cars. although i could always save them for other reasons. heh

so please check the OP, if you are coming and are NOT on the list, PM me and i can add you to the list, if you are ON the list and cannot make. please PM me also so i can take you OFF the list.

thanks! i will have a tow strap and so will many others, please bring it if you have one. if not, dont spend money on it unless you really want one. there will plenty around.

Radios are going to be critical. if you have one bring it, if you have extras, label them and please bring them, id like to have a radio in every car if possible. that way we can relay information down the train. of oncoming traffic or if someone Offs it. that way if the next to last guy has to stop to fix something, the party doesn't go on another 50 miles before they realize nobody is behind them.

lots of rain up here as well... not a lot of freezing yet. roads are still pretty good!

ALSO...this is the...


please take note, this is November after all and snow is always a threat....i should bold the rest of this...

In the event of MEASUREABLE snow fall in the week before the event. I MAY have to cancel the event on last minute notice. There is a saying, "Winter Roads, Summer Ditches" where there is enough snow to be slippery and slide on, but the ditches are still empty and with no snow banks to help guide you to safety, this is a REALLY bad situation to be in... (trust us we know.)

i hope you can understand where we are coming from on this one.

Been there, done that. My legacy has battle scars to boot. So I fully understand.

Pray for clear weather. Good news is Mr. Rez, I will be in Bangor Saturday into Sunday regardless so we can at least grab some bee-ah's.

I'm thinking I might go;

what radio do you recommend? (preferably available at Walmart and fairly cheap)

How long do you think it will take to do the loop?

last time i did something like this with them it look like 8 hrs but rezdog broke something. so it probly could have been done if 5-6

if we leave the mobil at 10, expect to be back at the mobil by 5ish

just a 2 way walmart radio like peopleuse everywhere,

ahh ya farkin kitties, wtf is up with cancelling a backroads drive cuz there's a lil lube on the surface??!!

snowy roads will weed out those who are NOT up for the adventure. the rest have good winter tires and proper snow driving experience and if all else fails, tow straps. a bit of neige will make things interesting.

6" or more will suck of course, but a few ins will be fine.


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