The Eric Benson Memorial Dirt Drive - November 28th

one of those little hand held radio walkie talkie things... so we can communicate with the rest of the pack.

one of those little hand held radio walkie talkie things... so we can communicate with the rest of the pack.
yep got them when we all met at wally world yesterday so i didnt feel left out

i've driven both and the northern roads are better.
quoted for truth.

having raced at NEFR and driven on the roads up here for years. I have long wanted to see a rally in this area. sadly the landowners and landholders dont have the same love of Rallysport.

I thought the start off point was going to be farther north than Bangor, awesome. Depending who's riding with me I might just stay the night before and/or after with friends so I don't have an extra two hours home.

I thought the start off point was going to be farther north than Bangor, awesome. Depending who's riding with me I might just stay the night before and/or after with friends so I don't have an extra two hours home.

i just added a link to the OP to where the starting point of the event. plan accordingly.

Awesome, I'm excited! As it stands now I'll probably be driving the GL. And that's good for towing people out of ditches with lo range locking center diff. I'll probably bring tools along with me too so if something breaks on my car, or someone else's I can fix it on the go.

And I have a couple radios so I'll bring them along for anyone who needs a borrow. AS LONG AS I GET THEM BACK

Event: Eric Benson Memorial Dirt Drive

When: Sunday November 28th

Where: departing at Milford On The Run, Milford Maine

When: 10:00am start

Entry: $10 dollar per car donation to the Eric Benson Scholarship Fund

Starting Point - Google Maps

OK! heres the deal... I just got home from mapping out and creating a route book for what could be the BEST group drive EVAR!

232...yes TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY TWO miles of roads with over 170 of them being NOT PAVEMENT.

there is something for all types. From fast flowing hard gravel roads to slow and steady crawling over dips and rocks. nothing on this route is impassable OR a car breaker. (unless you are out of control)

the route will begin in Milford Maine, at the Mobil On The Run gas station. fill up and bring drinks because it will be a while until you see another store... you are more likely to see Moose before you see another store.

the trek will lead us back and forth across AWESOME Forest roads, with a few jumps along the way to keep it exciting!! our morning destination is the Mobil On The Run in PRINCETON, Maine. little lunch break, top off fuel if you need to, grab more drinks and get ready for one of the BEST gravel roads in the state.

from there we head over to lincoln and a what is possibly the longest tarmac stretch of the event...roughly 25 mile commute to the next leg. but well worth it.

once we finish the last leg of the drive, we should be back where we started at the Milford On the Run.

please if you are please bring the following:

a CoDriver to read the route book

Tow Strap

if you have a 2 way radio bring it.

a spare tire, make sure your spare is properly inflated (full size spare is best, donuts will get you home)

snacks, drinks and anything you may need along the way.

Its a long way to walk if you pooch it or break it. drive to the level you feel comfortable. just because that guy infront of you did that corner that fast...doesn't mean you can too.

I am hoping to secure someone with a truck who wants to do the drive as well as a sort of sweep vehicle

nobody will be left behind to get lost or fend for them selves.

The idea of the Memorial Dirt Drive came about after talking with Andrew Benson about it, and we thought it would be a great opportunity to raise money for the Eric Benson Scholarship fund, which provides assistance to Students from Westbrook High who wish to attend school at UMF for science programs.

in addition to the donation entry fee, im almost certain Andrew will have the EB decals available for sale as well. come join us and raise money for a great cause.








why did you quote the original post?

an d yes we will end up right where we started from. making a GIANT loop


Hey Spiller, just FYI, we had a group drive in Rangeley this past spring and weren't able to take the Byron road because it was mud season and it was closed. But 2.5RSDan had a nice "OFF" on the South Shore Rd. I believe it was either Rezdog or Rezpunk (Sorry I can't remember) that came with us and pulled Dan out of the ditch. He was well prepared for dirt and definately knew his sh*t. I just regret that we weren't able to drive on nearly as much dirt as we had hoped for. We did the same drive in the opposite direction last November and took both South Shore and Byron Roads. I wanted to throw in Bemis and Roxbury pond roads but could not find a way to make a round trip without needing some turn arounds. Apparently Google Maps does not recognize Bemis and Roxbury Pond roads as Thru roads. I was also looking at bringing some people out to South Arms, but so far I can't find the time to test them and I want to avoid stepping on the toes of Rally America's NEFR roads like Fish Rd & Sturdevant Rd. Another place I know of a lot of great dirt roads is between Stratton and the Canadian border, I did a lot of work out there when I designing the Kibby Wind Farm's 115kV Transmission Line. The Turbine Maintenence roads are old logging roads that have been widened and improved, but still dirt. THEY ARE A BLAST, but I wouldn't wanna get caught guiding a group of subies through there or I might lose my security pass

yeah that was me...

i have a wee bit of experience yanking cars out of the ditches... (sorry brother I couldn't resist)

and we shouldnt have to do any of that on the group drive i hope.


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