The unofficial GUN talk thread

Jamey I got a good deal on my sling at Amazon. Worth a look if you already know what you want.

I have a Simmons 50mm 4-12x. Make an offer.

Starting to think about trading/selling the Ruger P95 again. She's been awesome so far but its time for me to think about G17, M&P, XDM. Maybe Sig because my stubby fingers can reach all the controls on the Sig.

ANY Interest in a Ruger P95, five mags, and holster??

Lat minute again,but we might do some cornfield shooting this afternoon. Got to run to the shop and stock up on goodies. My buddy should be getting a new AK. time to play!

Jamey I got a good deal on my sling at Amazon. Worth a look if you already know what you want.

I have a Simmons 50mm 4-12x. Make an offer.

Starting to think about trading/selling the Ruger P95 again. She's been awesome so far but its time for me to think about G17, M&P, XDM. Maybe Sig because my stubby fingers can reach all the controls on the Sig.

ANY Interest in a Ruger P95, five mags, and holster??
You have pm
G36 is on the bottom, G21SF on the top. Bit of a size difference.


And a (sideways) vid of a friend of mine shooting the Battlecomp muzzle brake. He was moving the rifle more than the recoil was I think.

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It was recorded with a cell phone which doesn't help. Plus there is a lot of echo we are in a bit of a valley that bounces the sound around a lot.

Which leads me to my next post. Anyone interested in brand new, never fired Remington 870 ATI folding stock and forend? Forend is already fit for an 870. Ready to install. The pair would be $80 plus new. I've done the hard work. Come get it for $50.


Nate, how bad is the recoil with the top folder? I was thinking about getting one that had recoil suppression, but now that magpul stuff looks sexy

Edit: just read the "never fired" part. going to ponder this for a couple days

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Ill try to help. I have one on my FN police shotgun (fancy Winchester 1300) Recoil isn't bad,a little worse than with a butt pad,but still not bad. The stock is a little "different" the first time you aim with it,but it gets easy quick. If you want a functional "Terminator" style shotgun,its great. Plus you can shoot it pistol style,the grip angle is pretty good for one handed shooting....just ask the fireflies around here about 2 of them with these stocks..

Thanks, but I might not be there, and I'm going to track him down myself. I'll be headed his way at some point this week...hopefully.

Nate what class are you taking?

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