The unofficial GUN talk thread

Trying to be artistic...


Starting a series of classes put on by HammerFour called F.I.T.E. It's a tactical shooting series.

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I'm starting to think I just can't hit anything with glocks. I have a hard time consistantly hitting a 8x8 target from about 15 paces. No matter which one I use it's the same. Dry fire a thousand times it's still the same. Pick up a 1911 I can shoot apples from a similar distance. Is there any place that offers classes with these guns? I know its me not the gun, and I won't be happy with them until I can shoot better.

Most important thing to grasp with a Glock is it has basically a two stage (striker fired) trigger. You have a take up section. Then you hit sort of a wall or a dead spot. Then you have the break. You need to learn to stage the trigger. Take up the semi long first stage, then just squeeze the rest. That second stage is short. And you only need to go back that short distance to reset and pull the trigger again.

Dry fire practice is crucial. But learning how your trigger works and what it's doing as you pull it is key.

The first stage of pull is actually releasing internal safeties inside the gun.

Remember... pull 80 percent first. Then squeeze the 20 percent.

The glock trigger actually feels natural to me, much like a paintball gun trigger. I typically pull it in past the safety, and hold it for a second to make sure my sights are lined up. Focus on the front sight, and put the top edge of the front sight on the bottom edge of the 8x8 plate. But I only hit ~30% of the time. And dry firing I do tons of, doesn't seem like the gun even twitches although I'm sure it does. Typically fire a few slow shots with no consistancy then take a few fast shots just for the fun of it. Guess I just need to shoot with some experienced people to check out what I'm doing wrong. Problem with that is the only range near here appears very disorganized. I applied to join 2 months ago and never heard anything from them.

Are these results with both your 450acp Glocks? Although I think my 21sf has light recoil for a 45. I've shot a 36 and it's a pain to hold on to. Any chance you are trying to anticipate recoil? If you shoot paper do you hit low and to the left?

.40 and .45 I think I manage the g21 better out of them all but I have shot it more and it's the only one I put on paper. I was hitting a little low when I did that. I guess I just always feel like I know how to line the sights up but don't know where to put them on the target, because when I expect it to hit a tiny bit above where I aim it usually doesn't. I think I'm keeping them within a man sized target but that's not good enough. It never crossed my mind to try them out on paper some more maybe that will tell me more about what's going on.

I find the G36 quite manageable, surprisingly. When I first shot it I expected it to jump right out of my hand, but it's not that bad. And to improve it I added some +1 grip extensions. I've been carrying it in a Desantis IWB holster quite comfortably.



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How far are your targets? Should keep them 50ft or closer. Have you tried bench resting it and getting a group to make sure your sights aren't all out of wack? At 15-20ft Set your hands on a bench or hood or something solid and rest the barrel on a sandbag or rolled up pair of jeans to eliminate most of the human error and try shooting a few groups of 4. Maybe your sights are all f-ed up.

I really liked Nate's 21 when I tried it. I have not tried the 36. The grip extension mags def help with control.

I typically stand 15 to 25 paces away when I pay enough attention to count. Maybe it's a little too far. I haven't tried shooting from a rest I'm borrowing my brothers shooting bench to sight in my rifle next weekend I'll have to see if I can do something with that.

G21 at ~10 paces from a rest 13 shots


G36 Same distance 7 shots


G21 at ~15 paces from a rest 13 shots


G36 Same distance 7 shots. Ran out of targets tried to turn the corner into a bullseye. Had a hard time focusing on it.


It was a shady corner of the field, and I just have a really hard time focusing on glock sights. Maybe that's part of the problem, especially on black targets. I can't really see the edges of the sights well, and have to shoot one eye closed otherwise I can accidently stop seeing the gun completely. I might try painting the sights before I try again, anyone have any luck trying that?

10-15 paces? Are you crazy? Shorten that up and start putting bullet on top of bullet at 3, 5, and 7 yards.

That close? Wow guess I'm really just used to rifles. So for rough estimate 3 to 7 paces is kinda the acceptable pistol range?

Start close.. get really good close. I mean really good. Then move back. You have to start somewhere.

I will be trying that then. Does bullseye or target size matter much?

I also had 1 failure to extract on the 36 looks like the extractor took a small chunk out of the spent case. I don't know round count on the gun it could be up there. Anyone know a good glock gunsmith that could go over this and replace anything that might be worn?


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