The unofficial GUN talk thread

picked this up today new carry
I did past tence well I do still technically ruger seems be more accurate I shot both tonight is have say I like the lc9 better

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Just got a 10 pack of PMAGs in gotta, make sure they are smooth and mark them today. Bout $128 shipped all told, a little bit better than store prices.

Can never have too many loaded mags...

Not sure on this,but if anyone reloads enough on here to be interested here goes:

My reloading buddy and myself have stumbled upon a source for sealed 8lb military rifle powder cans. What we need is 3 or 4 more guys (or gals) who need one,so we can all get the discount. Im pretty sure the price was $160 for 8 lbs,if we buy the quantity(I can check to be sure,but it was under $200).We plan to each use one can to do approx 1500 rds of .308,then keep a can in case of a presidential re-election-nightmare in November. $20 a pound is a VERY good price for real deal military gunpowder,anybody interested can PM me,theres a couple of you I can think of......

Wow! Tell us the specs on that .22!!

Anyone have a double (or two singles) 1911 mag holder I can borrow for tomorrow? I got a Blackhawk 2 mag holder for my 9mm double stack and it works great. So I got one for my son to use with the 1911 mags (single stack) and its not so good. One side is difficult to side mags back in without a lot of fishing around and forcing it back in.

That's a cool .22

I may be picking up a pt1911 today he wants 300 anyone know what this are worth ? Has 4 mags and he put grips on it

ruger 10/22

tapco intrafuse 1022 stock

butler creek 25 rnd magazine

Harris picatinny bipod adapter

unknown bipod (tasco?)

Tasco 3x9 x50 mm scope

utg G36 picatinny rail set (side rails)

GRG rail covers

NCstar ruger 1022 muzzle break

utg 1022 tactical picatinny rail mount (top)

accushot weaver see-through scope rings

utg removable picatinny ar-15 style adjustable front sight tower

UTG 1 inch high profile riser mount

I've also got an ar15 style carry handle and carry handle mount that i sometimes use for open sights,

as well as a standard rear sight without carry handle portion.

love this gun, super accurate, and looks so badass.

Jamey get that PT1911 its worth 400-500 private sale. Gun store price would be 500-600, mags cost 20-40 depending on brand. The PT1911 is one Taurus definitely got right with some very good performance and reliability.

That is one decked out 10-22!! Holy mackerel!

Heres a couple pics of the IWB Galco I just got for my Kahr. Haha went to Howells for a mag holder, came home with a gun holder.

FYI this is the 1911 IWB model #KT218B Kingtuk, Fits fullsize 1911, short barrel 1911, Kahr CM&CW 9mms, 40s, and 45.




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I was goin to go to Howells today to get iwb for my lc9 but think ill just get another remora holster. I think I'm gettin the 1911 won't be till Monday tho


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