The unofficial GUN talk thread

I think they do, if you are ever up towards Farmington let me know if you want to check out how the side folder latches. It kinda drops down when you fold it, and swings back up and into place when you unfold it.
Thanks man, I looked at their website and they do have a fixed version. Anyone know if the 500 and the 590 use the same furniture? From the looks and parts online I say they do. Just not positive.

Which leads me to my next post. Anyone interested in brand new, never fired Remington 870 ATI folding stock and forend? Forend is already fit for an 870. Ready to install. The pair would be $80 plus new. I've done the hard work. Come get it for $50.

Trade brass or shells for it?

G21 at ~10 paces from a rest 13 shots


G36 Same distance 7 shots


G21 at ~15 paces from a rest 13 shots


G36 Same distance 7 shots. Ran out of targets tried to turn the corner into a bullseye. Had a hard time focusing on it.


It was a shady corner of the field, and I just have a really hard time focusing on glock sights. Maybe that's part of the problem, especially on black targets. I can't really see the edges of the sights well, and have to shoot one eye closed otherwise I can accidently stop seeing the gun completely. I might try painting the sights before I try again, anyone have any luck trying that?
I know its for CC but why shoot that close? We CC shoot practice at 10-18yrds Works out well.

Also looking to Sell/trade my once fired, un cleaned, range picked brass

200 357mag

886 38sp

16 25acp

20 380auto

61 45auto

8 40sw

217 9mm

30 12g

109 20g

75 44Spl

214 44mag

32 30-30win

13 243win

Also just picked up this for the wife to carry a Taurus 85 Hammerless with hough pinkey grip (not shown) paid $275 (internet image)


If you guys are on Facebook Join these two groups!

https://www.facebook...8478567/���� Maine firearm Buy/Sell/Trade group

https://www.facebook...ofmaine/���� Gun owners of Maine Group)

Dont forget to like these two pages as well (has links for instructors, laws, and more) (has links for Gun shops, ranges, gravil pits, and more)

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This is look I'm going for next.


The new Daniel Defense free float modular hand guard with Troy flip ups. Someday when I get more money I'll probably do an Aimpoint.

My son's upper is just like that with the Daniel Defense barrel and receiver, except he has the fixed DD Battle sights. Out to 100 yards its just as accurate as my Colt Hbar. We'll probably never know beyond that distance. Weighs about the same as any 16" carb. Its only got 200-ish rounds thru it. Its been a safe queen since he went off to college.

My son's upper is just like that with the Daniel Defense barrel and receiver, except he has the fixed DD Battle sights. Out to 100 yards its just as accurate as my Colt Hbar. We'll probably never know beyond that distance. Weighs about the same as any 16" carb. Its only got 200-ish rounds thru it. Its been a safe queen since he went off to college.
I'm just going for the hand guard and flip ups. It's going to go on the Bushy. Got any picks of it?

Been shooting a bunch of .45 since I bought my XD. From ten paces I can put a whole mag in the faces of mansize targets consistantly. While shooting from standing at a regular 10" target from the same distance I can place whole mags in the 10" circle, with most of them within 6" of center.

Im pleased considering ive probably shot less than 500 rounds through handguns. Looking to get my cwp also

I think so. Nick at Evergreen had his Taurus duracoated at Northeastern Firearms for $100. Its was a 100% stainless older revolver. Now is looks like a brand new blued revolver.

So $90 for the barrel with way more surface area should be a good deal. Was thinking about just buying the $60 kit that will coat 2-4 firearms. Anyone try this yet?

They always felt nice when I looked at them. Never fired one. Ended up going with the Steyr Pro Mountain in .308.

Ordered these today.


So $90 for the barrel with way more surface area should be a good deal. Was thinking about just buying the $60 kit that will coat 2-4 firearms. Anyone try this yet?
Dont believe 2-4. More like 2,if they aren't big rifles. And also if you will be using their airbrush-it works,just not the greatest. I would give you a better price,but Im not 100% confident in my Dura-coating skills just yet. Im going to do a few more of my own/friend's guns for practice/see what can go wrong projects before I take on anybody's personal guns. From what I have seen,if you can paint without runs,you should be all set. With some of their products,baking is an option. I have done it in an oven,and also,over a woodstove in a pinch. I just let it cure for a day or so,then hung it over the stove while it was good and hot. that job is still doing quite well,over a year old. If you will be baking your parts.look into the spray cans. that's the easy way. Im planning on doing a "build thread" on my hybrid AK/MAK 90/RPK soon,it will be duracoated in a satin minty green,with red wood. I just stained the stock last night. One good thing about getting hurt. You have lots of time to finish projects.

Dont believe 2-4. More like 2,if they aren't big rifles. And also if you will be using their airbrush-it works,just not the greatest. I would give you a better price,but Im not 100% confident in my Dura-coating skills just yet. Im going to do a few more of my own/friend's guns for practice/see what can go wrong projects before I take on anybody's personal guns. From what I have seen,if you can paint without runs,you should be all set. With some of their products,baking is an option. I have done it in an oven,and also,over a woodstove in a pinch. I just let it cure for a day or so,then hung it over the stove while it was good and hot. that job is still doing quite well,over a year old. If you will be baking your parts.look into the spray cans. that's the easy way. Im planning on doing a "build thread" on my hybrid AK/MAK 90/RPK soon,it will be duracoated in a satin minty green,with red wood. I just stained the stock last night. One good thing about getting hurt. You have lots of time to finish projects.
Interesting! I would definitely like to see pics of items that you have DC'd!!!

I passed on the A-Bolt I was looking at, didnt want the Boss system for hunting. Instead I picked up a Remington 700 in. 25-06. Interesting caliber should be good for deer out to 400 yards. So far seems to be a flat shooter with a smooth trigger and easily manageable recoil.

I'm sitting on my couch deliberating which rifle to use today. Win model 70 in .243 or .270, win 94 in 30-30 with scout scope, tc encore in .270 or savage 99 in 300 savage. ADD and decisions don't go well


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