The unofficial GUN talk thread

Hunting season is over. 9:30am. Savage Edge/Axis 30-06. One round hand loaded by my son. Got him one shot thru the lungs, heart, both shoulders. 100 pound spike was running right at me so I had to plug him. Bones and guts were hanging out and everything!

I will be donating it all to Hunters For The Hungry 1-888-433-3763 unless someone speaks up and wants some or all of it.

I dont hunt,but do own 40 acres in Litchfield. Full of deer. Anybody that wants a semi-guided tour of the woods,and some tips on spots to sit next Sunday,Id love to help you out. My foot is pretty messed up,its black and blue from my ankle down to the beginning of my toes ,but I need to get out there walking on it. Ive seen some big bucks down there in the last couple of months....

ps nice job on donating that deer,Inski! I wish more people would do that,instead of wasting it on a trophy!

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I've never. Had deer meat

Figures, no doe permit, walked up within 20 feet of one bedded down earlier. And she never wiggled till I tried getting closer to see if there was a buckk nearby

after having 5 different shots at does this morning, took a spikehorn around 8:30. .270 made a hole in the ribcage I could fit my hand through

Haha we were cutting wood yesterday with the ARs also. Had good results with the Ultramax 55gr reloads.

Sighted in my oldest son's Rem .270. I thought Howells or Cabelas (I can't remember who sold it to him) sold him a used p.o.s. Remington model 770. Turns out the thing is hole on hole accurate. The econo Bushnell on top is real good, and the trigger is fantastic. I like it better than my Savage Edge '06 but the Edge is still a decent gun for the price. The only thing I dislike about the Rem770 is the bolt. It doesn't slide well like the others, but it works well enough. All these entry level bolt action guns seem to deliver more than what you pay for. Someday I'd like to get the Ruger American and the Marlin XS7 along side the Edge/Axis and Rem770 and try them all.

Good to hear Matt! Glad you found success in the woods.

My new toy. Not a gun,but will make sure they dont go anywhere on me., And NO,it was not fun getting it in the basement.


This thing is 6 feet tall. Its supposed to hold 48 guns,but they werent thinking about my guns. It will hold everything I need it to though.Plus ammo. I need to build some better shelves. Tractor supply had it for $300 off,making it $1000. Cheap enough,esp. when you consider my AR-10 alone cost more than that.

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*sigh of disappointment*

I anticipated possibly getting myself a G17 or M&P Pro and a AR-15 in .300 blackout in the spring to use for competition. A law abiding citizen, me. I wont be allowed. Our peers have voted against them.

Sorry for the injection of politics. that's the last politics you'll hear out of me. back to more GUNS!

Just wondering,are you thinking it will be a replay of the 94 crime bill,or something much worse? Im thinking the latter,with everybody settling on a WAY bigger version of 1994 in the end...Want a stock buying tip anybody? Any manufacturer of bullets,powder and primers....


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