The unofficial GUN talk thread

Did this yesterday.


Because you have polar bear mitts for hands!
Gretch, how was that class? You like?
It was pretty good. They did not coach or teach tacticool. Only showed you how to stay safe and really made you think about when to fire. It really just was to show you your flaws really. It's amazing how little time you have to react and how much you fumble under pressure. I'd like to get my own airsoft for next time and also to practice on my own. There will be more classes in the future.

Parts have been order for the first build. Couple highlights are as follows:

16" 300Blk upper

Geissele SSA trigger

OD green Magpul MOE rifle stock and furniture

It was pretty good. They did not coach or teach tacticool. Only showed you how to stay safe and really made you think about when to fire. It really just was to show you your flaws really. It's amazing how little time you have to react and how much you fumble under pressure. I'd like to get my own airsoft for next time and also to practice on my own. There will be more classes in the future.
Nice. Search craigslist under 'sporting' and put 'airsoft' in the search. You'll find a few. Also, sometimes in uncle henrys under firearms you'll find airsoft.
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Pondering an xdm. And wishing augusta would hurry up with my cwp renewal. It's been a month and the police department said that's all they're waiting for. (permit ran out at midnight, feel nekkid without my gun)

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Is it yours? Looks like maybe a 10-12" SBR. Pistol length gas system, and Yankee Hill lightweight free float tube.

No, I am thinking about picking one up. It's all York Arms except for stock, hand guard and sights. 10" barrel. Obviously I'll be getting the semi auto version. Question is, with the short barrel, will 300 be "too" much?

Too much?? 300blk is meant to be shot out of short barrels with pistol length gas system, or 16" carbine.

Anyone have thoughts on the sig 938? It was described to me as a mini 1911 in 9mm, buddy has the 238 (same thing in.380) and loves it

My thoughts... 1911 operations are crap for carry (to me). Still prefer a gun with no safety. Full steel frame means it's heavy. Way when compared to other single stack 9mm guns. Rich price point.

Money better spent on Kahr PM9 or cheaper CM9, M&P Shield if you can find one. Or something similar.

I've really been thinking double stack in .40 or .45, maybe .357 sig, so pretty much an xd or glock, just curious what some might think

Proofread when sending from droid:-P

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