The unofficial GUN talk thread

I stopped at up in arms yesterday. Very nice guy I will buying a g 17c from him soon
I liked that one Jamey. I bought the gen4 G17 next to it plus a few mags. His mags are $10 less than anywhere else. Waiting to see if a certain someone's Christmas present comes in next. Hopefully Up in Arms has it by Friday.
I liked that one Jamey. I bought the gen4 G17 next to it plus a few mags. His mags are $10 less than anywhere else. Waiting to see if a certain someone's Christmas present comes in next. Hopefully Up in Arms has it by Friday.
nice guy Gf would have killed me if I bought it then
but I will be back after x mas
Who wants to shoot a couple falling plate matches this winter? Falmouth, Augusta, and Auburn do matches every sunday. Show up, pay $5 or $10, knock down a bunch of plates when its your turn. Reload, go again when your turn comes up again. Simple, fun, the only competition is yourself and the clock. All you need is a pistol 9mm or bigger, ammo, a couple magazines and a holster.

Who wants to shoot a couple falling plate matches this winter? Falmouth, Augusta, and Auburn do matches every sunday. Show up, pay $5 or $10, knock down a bunch of plates when its your turn. Reload, go again when your turn comes up again. Simple, fun, the only competition is yourself and the clock. All you need is a pistol 9mm or bigger, ammo, a couple magazines and a holster.
interested in Falmouth and auburn
Who wants to shoot a couple falling plate matches this winter? Falmouth, Augusta, and Auburn do matches every sunday. Show up, pay $5 or $10, knock down a bunch of plates when its your turn. Reload, go again when your turn comes up again. Simple, fun, the only competition is yourself and the clock. All you need is a pistol 9mm or bigger, ammo, a couple magazines and a holster.
Will .50 AE work???

Also I cleaned my Bushmaster last night. Finally upgraded my 15 yr old silicone cloth. Did a great job! Now I'm detailing guns....


I bet .50ae is frowned upon. I don't know for sure. Depends on the club's plates I guess. I should get a nice cloth like that, instead of using an old t-shirt.

Haha I'm kidding about the Desert Eagle! I'd use the Baby Desert Eagle. 9mm. Is there any links to the event?

I usually buy a pack of the cheap red shop towels for removing fouling and carbon and such. Then just toss them when dirty. They are pretty cheap. The silicone cloths are good for a final wipe down and protection. I had been just dowsing the gun in Mil-Tec oil but didn't want to run out of it.

Augusta/ Capitol City Rifle and Pistol Club - they haven't updated yet. Plate shoots are Saturdays.


Androscoggin County Fish and Game plate shoots are Saturdays -

Falmouth Rod and Gun Club Brian at Up in ARms said they do sundays plate shoots

Also, theres an indoor range in Poland on Rt.26. I stopped by the shop but didn't go into the range. If you bring your own glasses, ear plugs, guns, and ammo the prices are reasonable.

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Here is a pic of my buddies Stag I just finished for him. Few Magpul bits, my old Yankee Hill freefloat rail, JP muzzle brake, little tiny scope.. haha. This also sports a chopped down A2 sight post that I made into a low pro gas block. Works slick.


The boys hanging out after a good cleaning.


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Looking to try some different ammo in my AR15 to see what the rifle likes. Barrel is 1:8 if I remember right. I have a bunch of XM193 5.56 and PMC Bronze .223 through it. So far the PMC groups better but the XM193 hits harder, of course. Want to try some heavier loads, Hornady TAP in 75gr for example. Shooting out to 100 yards with an eotech sight.

If I get the $525.. I can even toss in a never used Blackhawk serpa holster..

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A second Remington 870 built. This one for a buddy.

18" barrel

Magpul SGA stock

Streamlight TLR1s

Wilson Combat extension tube

6 shot side saddle

Blue Force 2 point sling

Kind of a bad picture.


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Just bought a crap load of stuff for myself so my wife didn't have to shop for me! She's still gunna wrap it tho lol!

MS3 sling

ASAP end plate


Inforce wml

AR stock wrench

Drago 2 rifle soft case

And still need to pick up a Vortex StrikeFire from Cabelas

What is all that stuff Gretsch?

Nate you ever run into shells binding in the extention tubes?

I believe Im getting a 18" barrel for my 870 for Christmas. Should be almost long enough with the +3 extention.
Might need some tube protection.




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Never had a shell bind in the tube ever. If you drill and file out the dimples correctly on the 870 tube, and stick with a quality extension and spring you won't have issues.

Wouldn't you want something a touch longer for 3 gun though? Something like a 21" with a choke?

Looks like that's what's on the Benelli.

My 870 has shells get stuck in the chamber >.< how you like that magpul furniture nate? I'm looking for something black for mine

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