The unofficial GUN talk thread

Well I was going to wait to do this but I have no patience. Glock 17 gen 4 will be inbound next week. Along will be a Bravo Concealment RTT holster, SOE belt and probably an Inforce APL or Lonewolf threaded barrel. I have no self control.....

Well I was going to wait to do this but I have no patience. Glock 17 gen 4 will be inbound next week. Along will be a Bravo Concealment RTT holster, SOE belt and probably an Inforce APL or Lonewolf threaded barrel. I have no self control.....
Hope you ordered your Bravo Concealment holster like 2 months ago. Their lead time sucks. I have some of there stuff. Quality but pricey.

Cool beans man!

I didn't know Nick was doing it with you. SO who was top shot? You or Nick?
Hard to say. We both came a really long way from the beginning of the class. I think my draws were faster and his reloads were more consistent. He was maybe a touch quicker on the trigger. That being said, it might have also lead to his accuracy going down the tubes too. 3 gun and steel shoots might have caused bad habits that he fought with.

Hope you ordered your Bravo Concealment holster like 2 months ago. Their lead time sucks. I have some of there stuff. Quality but pricey.
Have not ordered yet. It will probably be a custom order. They do not offer an RTT with an Inforce apl.

Fill me in Nate. Cost? What did you learn? Did you like the High Speed Gear belt? I've been looking for something like that belt. PM me if you'd rather do that.

Fill me in Nate. Cost? What did you learn? Did you like the High Speed Gear belt? I've been looking for something like that belt. PM me if you'd rather do that.
Ditto! I have been looking to do something like this.

My son shot his first USPSA match today with my G17. He did ok. Finished last overall but on the last stage he snagged second in class for that stage. He got some tips from one of the master classified guys. Soon he'll be shooting better than me. He's hooked. Someday I'll be allowed to use my G17. Someday.

I used my 1911 for the first time today at a match. I like that better than my Ruger, definitely. The Kimber Tac-mags I was using seemed to cause problems. You really need to drive them home to seat correctly if you are trying to plus-1, which is almost every reload. I finished 2nd in class (out of two...shut up!) but if was a lot better than using the ruger P95. Better control, aim, recoil. Worse reloading. I definetely need to get a magwell funnel, and an extended mag release, and a bigger blade on the safety so my little hands can reach all the controls without adjusting my grip after I draw. Supposedly the cheap McCorrmick mags work better than the pricey Kimbers.

Ditto! I have been looking to do something like this.
Fill me in Nate. Cost? What did you learn? Did you like the High Speed Gear belt? I've been looking for something like that belt. PM me if you'd rather do that.
Umm. You can check out their website for pricing and scheduling. It was an outstanding class taught by a top notch instructor with years of experience.

You will shed your thoughts of high speed low drag style shooting techniques and get you back to the basics that will actually make you a better more accurate shooter. Speed comes later.. shooting one hole in a target was paramount. No matter what distance, no matter if you were moving, the standard was a 1.5"x1.5" square. And he teaches you the fundamentals to make this happen. Trust me. I do it.

I can't say enough about my equipment. The HSGI belt was flawless. Coupled with a G-Code holster and ITW fast mags made for a bulletproof loadout.

The class was 4 days, I shot over 600 rounds. Requires equipment that some might never use. So it's not for everyone. It takes a serious commitment.

I learned draws, reloads, shooting on the move, non standard positions, all under stress and all under the high standard of the square.

The FITE series classes are one of a kind and I would recommend them to anyone looking to set a new standard in shooting.

To those interested in 2013 they will be offering a concealed carry style class also. Same standards but geared towards carrying concealed. We got a sneak peak of this curriculum. We got to strap on our CC rigs and work draws from that position too.

hey guys just found this thread... i'm a gun/subaru lover i've got a few guns, sig sauer 2022 .40, springfield xd9 subcompact od green frame, wasr10 ak 47 that has been modernized quite a bit. i shoot in a pit off folley rd in sebago often.. gets plowed off in the winter though :/ would love to do a mainely group shoot

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Want to put a 1-3x scope on my AR among some other goodies after christmas, what im wondering:

Is there any sort of scope "riser" so I could look underneath the scope and through the iron sights?

Want to put a 1-3x scope on my AR among some other goodies after christmas, what im wondering:
Is there any sort of scope "riser" so I could look underneath the scope and through the iron sights?
What do you have for a hand guard? You could go free float then flip ups. If not and there is a riser, I think you would definitely need to add some sort of cheek piece to your butt stock IMO.

hey guys...due to recent events weve decided to cease all public firearm sales here on ms....ive gone back a few pages to remove the for sale ads....any questions about this decision please contact carter....hopefully you understand


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