The unofficial GUN talk thread

Nate is that a plus 2 tube?

Wouldn't you want something a touch longer for 3 gun though? Something like a 21" with a choke?Looks like that's what's on the Benelli.
Yeah I have a 24" now but I really believe it doesn't matter. Most of the shots are danger close 25ft or less when the shotgun is used. Steel knock downs are 10-15ft. I might go semi-auto soon anyway, it is way faster. My oldest son tells me to not be a sissy stay with the pump like a real man. haha
Joe, you'll love the single point once you get a sling that fits. I put an ambi end plate on mine (and the shot gun), don't know why, I'm right handed and I always hook up on the left side....and I never really intend on sharing my stuff.
The ambi just looked cooler to me for some reason.

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So I've decided against a shotgun for home defense... rather looking into 9mm's for convenience and cost. Does anyone have experience with the Springfield XD 9mm? I'm also thinking of joining a Rod/Gun club so I can go and plink whenever I want. Wouldn't mind taking some courses either.

I definitely recommend my new gun to anyone. Smith and Wesson SD40. They make an SD9 as well. The .40 just has a bigger bullet. But for the price, reliability, and how good it shoot, it's hard to beat!

Just make sure if they have to order one, that it is NOT the California model. Those have 10rd mags instead of 15. Mine came with 2 15rd mags.
I don't see that they make the SD9 with a 14+1 option. I'm on their website right now. They do in the 40 cal, but not the 9mm.

Strike that... they actually make a 16+1 in the 9mm! Sweeeeet!

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Just ordered a Taurus 605 poly protector today. Any try Dg firearms in hermon? He's a good friend of mine. He usually charges 25-50 Over cost.

He has a Kahr arms cm9 for 369 or so. Its New. They retail for 500+he also has new stag arms ars for under 1k.

Just throwing that out there

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So I've decided against a shotgun for home defense... rather looking into 9mm's for convenience and cost. Does anyone have experience with the Springfield XD 9mm? I'm also thinking of joining a Rod/Gun club so I can go and plink whenever I want. Wouldn't mind taking some courses either.
I've owned my XD for three years now. 2000+ rounds. With not problems at all. The only thing besides cleanings is I had to replace a roll pin once. Love it.

I have an xd compact in .45 LOVE IT. Having owned an sd and an xd, id go for the xd. The trigger right out of the box is amazing. Smooth, nice clean predictable break, short reset.. Pretty much better than an sd in every way imo. Worth the extra money


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