The unofficial GUN talk thread

That's lame!! It's not illegal to privately sell a firearm in this state..

But I suppose MS should jump on the bandwagon with most other places and pull a gutless, knee jerk reaction to a horrible incident that had nothing to do with guns. It had to do with a crazy person that decided to do an unthinkable thing.

Well done...

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Don't blow this out of proportion. You can talk about guns all you want, I don't have a problem with it. However selling them on this forum is now prohibited. I hope you understand. Thanks for your cooperation.

Bottom line is this, while it should be perfectly legal for private gun sales to take place on Mainely Subarus, the sad truth of it is that it introduces me to possible liability in the event that a gun sold here gets misused one day. This is the exact reason why sites like Craigslist and ebay don't allow gun sales. They've both been drug into lawsuits over guns sold on their sites which were later used in murder cases.

Therefore, Mainely Subarus, being an automotive forum, doesn't desire to bring upon itself the increased liability of allowing members to participate in private gun sales here on the forum. Yes, its legal to privately sell firearms in Maine however I do not want to take on the responsibility. I hope that you will respect this added rule and not post firearms or other weapons for sale on this forum

seems like a perfectly acceptable request.. its just too bad that its happening because of everything else that's going on

It is unfortunate and it takes a tragic event for us to look at things and realize we need to protect our investment a little further. It would take a random person to sign up and find this thread, make a few posts, buy a weapon and commit a crime. They could be a felon already and we wouldn't know.

We're not trying to be d bags and its truly nothing personal.

Picking up my new AR and hand guard tonight! I am excite! As soon as etrade gives me my money, I'll order the G17 gen 4!!!! Cannot wait for that to get here. Think I'm more excited about that than the AR.

Enough of the political banter. Yes this is a gun talk thread. But it is not a gun policy thread. Forum rules strictly mention that political posts will not be tolerated.

If members wish to discuss this issue, do so in the form of PM's.

I am not taking anybody's side here. Just enforcing forum rules.

Thank you,


Ffs post about guns and let go guys....

Thinking timney trigger and comfier stock for my .243 model 70 and shooting longer distance come spring

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Here it is!!!!




Nbc sez obama it's pushing no more hi cap mags, more laws about guns and p possibly restrictions on ammo. So let's stock up. I just went broke on some of the above


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