The unofficial GUN talk thread

New hand guard on the bushy! Threw the DD sights on there and put the flip ups on the DD!



Had the 870 in little pieces last night, she hadn't seen oil in a while. Got it all cleaned and ready for the zombies that didn't come last night

I've been looking for an AK47 on and off for a bit, but things are getting nuts now. Found a Norinco Mak-90 for $850,are they worth that for the Chinese ones?

Joe are you going to be able to feed that? We may be going the 6.8spc route on my son's build due to the crazy market and uncertain future.

Looking for the old style stamped steel AR mags. If anyone sees some for sale let me know.

Joe are you going to be able to feed that? We may be going the 6.8spc route on my son's build due to the crazy market and uncertain future.
Looking for the old style stamped steel AR mags. If anyone sees some for sale let me know.
Not through Cabelas that's for sure. All they have is Barnes BT for $30 a box. I'll probably buy some UMC garbage to sight in and plink. Once I get a can I will buy some slow stuff in bulk. Granted there is any. Worst case scenario I use it as a club and beat intruders to death with it....

I've been looking for an AK47 on and off for a bit, but things are getting nuts now. Found a Norinco Mak-90 for $850,are they worth that for the Chinese ones?
From what ive heard norincos are garbage, but a norinco now is better than none-rinco in a few weeks imo

True, drove over an hour to look at the last reasonable one I know of and the guy holding it for me sold it. Won't be doing business there that's for sure.

Getting magpul stock and forend in the very near future. Payment for turning wrenches all this weekend on the brother in laws outback

Went to Howells today. Zero black rifles on the shelf. Only five 20 rounds mags instock, three per person max.. At $30 bucks a peice. Also a guy was there buying a pallet of ammo. At least 25 people shopping there all at 9:30am. Wow. I bought two mags at that price only because I can't find them anyplace else.

A guy in Auburn that sells through uncle Henry's, small shop in the garage type of place. Tigerflage is the "store name". If someone showed up with cash in hand before me, I get that. That's why I left him my number so if he couldn't hold it he could let me know.

Stock and forend on their way. Tough choice between tan and black, would've got green if I choice found it, so black it is!


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