The unofficial GUN talk thread

What do you want for it? I could have some fun with a little .22

I bought it for the ol' lady to have at the house, but she would rather have a glock. Its a great little gun, and honestly, I could care less if I dont sell it. I paid $400 and that is what I would take for it, so I can go buy a new glock for "her"

Sig is a good name, and id be interested if my budget was that big. Im looking for something .40 cal, medium frame, preferably no chrome haha. I like the sound of the smith and wesson sigma series, can get one for like 3 or 350 brand new, that's a big plus for me. Something I know hasnt been kicked around or dropped and abused. Not that im saying that's the case with your sig.

It felt cheaply made, I didn't think teardown was as straight forward as it could be. I am not a fan of the slight slide rack to flip the tear down pin. I rather like the SR9 full slide lock tear down pin removal.

But go pick it up at a store and find someone with one or some place to rent one.

Sig is a good name, and id be interested if my budget was that big. Im looking for something .40 cal, medium frame, preferably no chrome haha. I like the sound of the smith and wesson sigma series, can get one for like 3 or 350 brand new, that's a big plus for me. Something I know hasnt been kicked around or dropped and abused. Not that im saying that's the case with your sig.
Stoeger Cougar is a nice reliable gun. Basically it is the old Beretta Cougar, rebadged and sold by Stoeger. They're a bit girthy though, and they weigh a ton.

That's the cheapest thing I'll recommend. Everything else that comes to mind is in the $550 range.

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Id buy a 9mm for target duties. But as for personal defense/ when the sht hits the fan, id prefer something a lil more manly, and less compton. You reach for a 9 when you want whatevers coming at you, to continue coming at you, despite being shot a few times. My .02

Id buy a 9mm for target duties. But as for personal defense/ when the sht hits the fan, id prefer something a lil more manly, and less compton. You reach for a 9 when you want whatevers coming at you, to continue coming at you, despite being shot a few times. My .02
Read less forums and more test results.

I dont know about most of you, but if I get shot with a bb gun I'm going to stop doing what I'm doing. after seeing what the hollow points in my 9mm did to my deer, I dont think a person would tell the difference between that or a .40. and either one is enough to at least make them stop and wonder if it's worth still trying to harm you. when I finished off my deer with the self defense ammo it left an inch wide channel theough the whole circumfrence of the neck, just as thick as a torso but denser muscle. I dont see why that wouldnt be acceptable for self defense

I dont know about most of you, but if I get shot with a bb gun I'm going to stop doing what I'm doing. after seeing what the hollow points in my 9mm did to my deer, I dont think a person would tell the difference between that or a .40. and either one is enough to at least make them stop and wonder if it's worth still trying to harm you. when I finished off my deer with the self defense ammo it left an inch wide channel theough the whole circumfrence of the neck, just as thick as a torso but denser muscle. I dont see why that wouldnt be acceptable for self defense

This ^^.. wound channel is very similar from 9mm through .45. Unless you want to jump to 10mm or some large revolver calibers ballistic caracteristics are very similar. The biggest changes are bullet type rather than caliber.

Sig is a good name, and id be interested if my budget was that big. Im looking for something .40 cal, medium frame, preferably no chrome haha. I like the sound of the smith and wesson sigma series, can get one for like 3 or 350 brand new, that's a big plus for me. Something I know hasnt been kicked around or dropped and abused. Not that im saying that's the case with your sig.

The sig is a .40. and I agree on the no chrome. I do understand the whole expense part tho. Just remember, you get what you pay for...unless you buy a glock of course! The only problem with the sigma series is that I do know my old department used to carry them. And by used to I mean they bought 4 new ones and had so many jams on all of them, as well as two of the 4 were sent back to S&W for other problems. It wasn't the ammo either because everyone else used the same ammo with there glocks and there were no issues. The up side to that Is everyone did agree that it was a much smoother shooting gun (when it was working) but as a whole the department opted out of the sigmas and stayed with the aging glocks based on reliability issues.

As for the sig, if you do find the cash I could gladly meet you somewhere and let you shoot a box or so thru it to see if you like it.

I've got a question for those wiser than I. how similar are 7.62x39 and .308? I've been told they're similar, but is it .223vs5.56 similar? I know the ar guys will chime in, but I really want a mini 30 and wanted to know about the round a little more

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Sig is a good name, and id be interested if my budget was that big. Im looking for something .40 cal, medium frame, preferably no chrome haha. I like the sound of the smith and wesson sigma series, can get one for like 3 or 350 brand new, that's a big plus for me. Something I know hasnt been kicked around or dropped and abused. Not that im saying that's the case with your sig.
I bought a S&W SD9 early in the summer. A little more $$ than the Sigma, not as expensive as the M&P. I love the gun. Almost can't miss at 10-15yds. If I take my time, I can do pretty well at 25yds also.They come in .40 also.
