The unofficial GUN talk thread

that is absurd.

I like your style.

If anyone has good camera skills, I would trade some trigger time behind the .50 for some good action photos

nice, we could do a small group shoot maybe? I really need to find a private range to light this thing off, most places frown on the .50, as it can travel well over a mile. But as long as there is a good back stop/burm, shouldn't be an issue.

The ammo? Off the shelf stuff can be $5 a round, surplus $2-3 a round, and if you reload, about $1.50 a round.

I plan on reloading, so really it isn't much more expensive than 8mm or 30-06.

edit: beat by Pedro

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No idea.... I haven't shot it yet

But I hear it's just like a 12ga with 3" slugs.

I'm still bringing a towel, for my shoulder

First time writting on this thread so dunno if its been talked about already but anyone have any input on the p99 .40? Thinkin bout getting that in couple months.

While I haven't shot a p99, a buddy had a p22, seemed well made and was accurate, I just didn't like having to carry it with the hammer cocked since pulling the trigger didn't do it hard enough to fire

TyTy has one I believe. I think it is the only walther he owns that works most of the time.

First time writting on this thread so dunno if its been talked about already but anyone have any input on the p99 .40? Thinkin bout getting that in couple months.
Never had a single problem with it. About 4 or 5000 rounds through it by now. Recoil is about what you would expect from a full size polymer frame with a heavy slide shooting .40. If you do get one, look for an AS model. The trigger pull is much lighter than the QA (what I have) or the DOA.

Where do you live? You can shoot mine sometime to try it out.

Huh during the week im in portland for school which sounds more convenient distancewise, but I can pm u sometime a weekend I stay in the area if weekends are better cuz my electrical classes don't get out till 5:15 every day


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