The unofficial GUN talk thread

spent the day yesterday at the Concord Gun show. It was crowded. Entire ice arena full of guns from dealers all over ME, NH, VT. Pretty awesome spectacle.

spent the day yesterday at the Concord Gun show. It was crowded. Entire ice arena full of guns from dealers all over ME, NH, VT. Pretty awesome spectacle.
Aw...if I had known about that, I would have swung by on my way up from my car buying fail.

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04fxt how much was that .50?? don't answer if you don't want to.
:D That thing is a nasty beast.


lol you guys are funny...

Inski, it was $2000, they are usually about $2400-2500, but this one was on display for over a year, and the shop owner wanted to get rid of it.

You can get them from Serbu directly for 2150, but add 150 for the bipod, and a few hundred for handling and shipping... still ends up being 2500 ish.

I lucked out, as I had been waiting for this one to come down in price. Still haven't shot it yet!! maybe this weekend..?

Was that the one at maine military supply?

Hopefully you get to shoot it sometime soon. Have you found a suitable place yet?

Yup, got it from MMS....

I have a friend of a friend that is going to help me sight it in @100yds saturday. He's been to Iraq several times.. and has plenty of experience with the .50 bmg round. So I'm hoping to get it on paper without blowing too much money

Idk if this is helpful, but I've always shot once out of the gun vise at bullseye, set up at bulseye again after the shot, and adjust the crosshairs until they are on the hole in the target made by the shot, quick easy "close" sight in, saves me at least ten rounds every time I change scopes

Speaking of sighting in, tried to sight in my enfield 1917 today, but the inch of 3 pound trigger pull screws me all up. I can never tell when it's going to break. So I'm wondering, should I bother seeing if a gunsmith could do anything with it, or just order the $59 timney drop in?

So little updateto my EDC. I'm now carrying a new Ruger LC9. It's been a pleasure to carry this as apposed to my Glock 23. The Glock is a great winter/fall carry, but with clothing getting thinner this new gun fits great. It rides in a Blackhawk IWB holster at my appendix. I bought an extra mag, and toss it in my pocket. Gun and mag are filed with 9mm +p. I did a little gunsmithing to the gun. I removed a couple features I didn't like about it. I removed the manual safety. Didn't want to accidentally click it on. It's not needed in a double action gun. Also disabled the magazine disconect. It pissed me off that I couldn't shoot the gun with a round chambered of I didn't have a mag in the gun. Not a great feature for carry if you accidentally drop the mag.

Also added a Tom Brown scout knife to my carry. When it's with me it's clipped at the small of my back in the kydex sheath.

Let me know what you think.





Nice knife.

My EDC knife is an SOG Aegis, and sometimes a Gerber Epic if I feel like I might need to be opening some bottles too, hehe.

I like the lc9. I've been thinking about getting a lcr. The knife is a nice addition to the package too. I have the ka-bar becker necker bookmarked on amazon for next. Payday

The LCR is sweet. My roommate just bought one in .357. I do plan on getting one myself at some point in time. Sweet little piece.

So did anyone have any advice on my trigger pull situation? I'm leaning toward the timney since I have some aflac money coming ( damn injuries)

Are you talking about the knife? Or gun?

I say get the gun, but that's me.

And the becker isn't bad, but I think you get more for less money with the Eskabar. It's a knife made with the Kabar blade, and Esee handle. It's what I would get for a neck knife.

I was talking about the rifle. The trigger pull is light but rediculously long (~1") and it's almost impossible to tell when it will break. looking at the mechanism I don't think there's anything a gunsmith could do to make it more predictable. If it wasn't a given to me by my grandfather I'd say screw it and sell it, but I'm pretty sure he'd disown me. Timney fully adjustable trigger is about $60 through brownells so I'm leaning towards that. Rifle is remington produced enfield 1917

Oops. Didn't read that far back. I'm not familiar with that model, but I'm going to say old production guns don't have much in the way of adjustment, so bringing it to a gunsmith might net you nothing.

For $60 the drop in seems like a no brainer, plus you still have original unmodified parts to swap back if you ever want.

As far as I could tell there is no adjustment. I had yhe gun apart and trigger out in 3 minutes, so drop in it is. Now I just need to find a better stock

My EDC knife for about 7 years was a SOG pentagon elite till it "walked off"[

now it is usually a cheap Vapor kinda sharp

or buck Hartsook (razor sharp) s30v rocks.

Tried to link pick but it would not let me so look em up...


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