sorry but that would cost to much for him it would be more like a blue tarp and some cement blocks


Kristof's STi in Winter Mode

.....I had to do it:D

Kristof's STi in Winter Mode

.....I had to do it:D
You're mean....

that's hilarious.

-----Added 11/4/2009 at 08:00:17-----

Winter mode for me = snow tires.

I haven't put my snows on yet...due in part to the fact that there snow.

Buuuut, it looks the same every winter, so:

Hankook Winter iPikes on stock old school mid 80's Jeep alloys


Cooper Weathermaster ST2s on stock Audi 4k/CGT Ronal wheels


These would look better if there was a lot of snow on the ground....its starting to flurry now!

Subaru 2009 043.jpg

Subaru 2009 046.jpg

Subaru 2009 048.jpg

Nigel w/Rallyxi in right seat, cutting a corner on tractionized Yoko Ice Guards over chewed up snow/dirt/ice, ME Winter Rally, yeehaw. Note busted fog light, maybe Erik can chime in as to why that happened

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Nigel w/Rallyxi in right seat, cutting a corner on tractionized Yoko Ice Guards over chewed up snow/dirt/ice, ME Winter Rally, yeehaw.
Is it possible to have too much fun?

I'll play, but these were from last year. There will be a change for this year since I've added lots of goodies since!

V1 lip not shown in these



Ryan, if your car was over 18 years old and I wasn't married...I would do her

This is more like it...

Sorry for the junky picture...maybe I need to put a new camera on my Christmas list...

Subaru 2009.jpg

110% Winter Mode, the waggie got rode hard and put away wet after 2009 Frost Heave TSD .

15x7 Revolution rally wheels, fit over Rex brakes and wear 195/65-15 Yokohama Ice Guard tyres

110% Winter Mode, the waggie got rode hard and put away wet after 2009 Frost Heave TSD .
15x7 Revolution rally wheels, fit over Rex brakes and wear 195/65-15 Yokohama Ice Guard tyres
Your car was much cleaner when I came to get that exhaust last summer!!

Your car was much cleaner when I came to get that exhaust last summer!!
well, that's because I go both ways: Dirty Dirty, and Clean Clean.

I <3 my garden hose and scrub bucket as much as I <3 slingin snow and grime-- proof that both the love of dirt and the love of clean can peacefully coexist within the same person.
