2010 Team O'Neil Rally

If you run out of room, I will be leaving from the Biddeford Exit, heading that way in the morning as well. I have seats for up to 5 extra butts.

PM me if you want to go.

You'll be proud Kathy, I recruited a newb for the worker training day. Once he gets his work schedule, he'll know if he can work on the 8th too.

hey Kat, you may have posted this already, but what time should we show up for the training day?

The email I got says:

Volunteer Schedule6 am – 8 pm

Volunteer Registration open

Dalton Town Hall

8 pm – 9 pm

Volunteer Meeting

Dalton Town Hall

6:30 am – 7:30 am

Volunteer Meeting and deployment

Dalton Town Hall

There is a worker training day at Team O'Neil Rally School on May 2nd, from 8:30 am to about 4:00 pm, if you are interested in attending to learn.
I'll be ready...really, I will.



well at least this weekend isn't the important one.

you can always snag a ride with one of the rest of us.

well at least this weekend isn't the important one.
you can always snag a ride with one of the rest of us.
technically, he doesn't need to have his truck, but I prefer to harrass him endlessly.
