It turns out legacy struts come apart the same as loyale struts. That's the easy part... But getting that bottom strut bolt out.... HOLY LOVING MOTHER OF STUCK-DONKEY BOLTS! PB blastered it, let it sit for an hour before even trying. Wouldn't budge, not even a peep. So I spent the next half hour heating the nut, dousing with PB, heating... etc. Finally with breaker bar + 6-point socket + long pipe on breaker bar it started to break loose. After only a few turns it got sticky again, gave it hell and finally I twisted the bolt in half.... oops.

Just waiting for the GL to warm up so I can look for another bolt in town...



This is what happens when I get annoyed by stuck bolts and break out the 4' extension on my breaker bar...


Just be glad that bolt isn't IN something, like a knuckle. I wish all I've broken would have been strut bolts. It's a huge time killer to drill and re-tap. You is the lucky.

Just be glad that bolt isn't IN something, like a knuckle. I wish all I've broken would have been strut bolts. It's a huge time killer to drill and re-tap. You is the lucky.
I'm in no way mad about that. It cost me a trip to town an half an hour maybe, but not a big deal. It was easier than taking the sawzall or grinder to it.

It'll be at the meet!!!!!!

Hope you got it close so the alignment isn't off too bad. Great news on the sticker!!!
I ground the rust off to shiny metal and made a few marks. Got it all lined, it drives as straight as it did before. It's always had a bit of a left pull, but it isn't any worse. Still though, will need an alignment.

Holy POOP! That was fast!!!! You have been busy with that car this week. I can't wait for mine!!!!!

Nice!! Just let me know when you want to tackle mine!!
Whenever would work... I need to find some smaller gauge wire. I didn't think about that, but the 16 gauge I had seemed massive compared to the tiny LEDs and made it difficult.

I will be free this afternoon, or tomorrow afternoon. So whatever works for you. I might have some small wire, but I honestly don't know

Tomorrow afternoon is less optimal than today. I'll see if radio shack, hardware store, etc are open/have small gauge wire.

Or if there's any in my drawer of wire.... I sorta doubt it though

Awesome!! That thing is so clean for having that many miles!!! And the LED's look great as well. Let me know when you can do mine!!

Saturday afternoon?

Was that you in the big orange truck who honked at me today?

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