Evans photo-maifesto, nws? < work dependant

you think? damn Evan, that thing puts out fantistic light even at half power. with the right reflectors, you should be able to do a lot with it.

no, not camera envy... equipment envy.
Its not the size of your lense, its the pictures you take.

Runnah is 100% correct - and I don't envy his lens size...

Camera modding is very similar to modding cars... while we're not talking about turbos and crap, there's still plenty of adjustments you can make to make the camera do what you want it to, or at least adjust it's limits.

that said, I want that small studio setup he has. it's reliable and very portable.

no, not camera envy... equipment envy.
equipment, that's the word I was looking for!

if your camera has an RF transmitter in it i would just go with a bigger on-camera flash and they tripod mount it and remote fire it. that&amp;#39;s the cheapest way to get light at night for shots like that, but i needed the softbox, umbrella and multiple lights so that it flatters models more than just a regular flash would.

all my earlier work was shot on a non-adjustable point and shoot. 4megapixel, nothing too special, but 80% of a good picture is in the composition, not the camera. i did very little image editing (still do little) but that&amp;#39;s something that can make a poor camera have images that shine.

+1! I can provide a couple nice looking well endowed scantly clad women too.
And another blue WRX! yay!
that model actually wants to do a full fledged carwash shoot with another model and a second car. i've got another car lined up, but i still need to find someone that would complement her well.

if you know girls that are looking to model, let me know.

a few more from ginger, as promised. note: she just got accepted to GodsGirls.com because of these :headbang: :headbang:









the rest of the sets are on the website :thumbsup:
