Evans photo-maifesto, nws? < work dependant

thanks bubba. i guess i wont have any trouble keeping it up, 3 more models just said they want to work with me, although one lives in ireland and only comes to maine about once a year ???

she still want a set though....

page 3 ownage

new pic, MACRO REMOTE!

it came right out of the camera like this, no photoshop tricks.


thanks bubba. i guess i wont have any trouble keeping it up, 3 more models just said they want to work with me, although one lives in ireland and only comes to maine about once a year ???

she still want a set though....
what you have got is talent and i hope you make it vary fare with this


she picked the name. i haven&amp;#39;t come up with anything better as of yet, so it stays for now.

i'm sleepies. post more later....

new name. Race Queen. She suggested: boobaru, wrsex, rimjob and a couple others, then i called veto power and came up with this.

its unfortunate she didnt bring any makeup or do her hair, but she was actually over to do some silhouettes and we had spare time....

still, its a fun little set for the setup i had on hand and the props from around my project room.

the rest are at www.EvilCorporateMachine.com &gt; Briannas Folder &gt; Race Queen




I can't explain it. I have a need to go buy Cosworth parts. Lots of Cosworth parts. No idea why.

Nice pics, Evan!

So i've had my latest camera for a solid 10 months, and tonight marks the 10,000th frame i've taken with it.

...yes, a 1000 photos a month.


did i mention i have a vw?

So i've had my latest camera for a solid 10 months, and tonight marks the 10,000th frame i've taken with it.

...yes, a 1000 photos a month.


did i mention i have a vw?
The only traffic light in Cumberland! haha

So i've had my latest camera for a solid 10 months, and tonight marks the 10,000th frame i've taken with it.

...yes, a 1000 photos a month.

did i mention i have a vw?
The only traffic light in Cumberland! haha
whoa whoa whoa, you can clearly see that theres at least 4 of them. :laughing1:
