FWD Coupe

I've done both motor out and trans out.

Trans out is easier with a lift. Motor out is easier with out a lift. You can do a trans on the floor, its just annoying. Wouldn't even consider doing it without two people to seat the trans back in.

Went to leave to head back to school this morning and I had almost zero brakes. Ended up being the master cylinder. Closest one was Westbrook. Got it all in and after 60 miles I can stop better then ever.


I'm selling a few books back to amazon and ordering the Exedy clutch kit as soon as the money hits my account. Now just hopefully it all holds until the clutch arrives and I get it in the car. I hope this is the problem.

Thanks to DrakeHale I have a rendering of what my wheels will look like once they are done. With a silver insert in the center if I can find 4 good ones. The wheels only had 3 and atleast 2 are junk.


They will definitely have black but where and how much I am not sure. What do you all think?

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Control arm bushings came in. I really believe this is what the noise is over any other idea I have heard. Hopefully I won't regret the $140 investment to find nothing.


New bushings are 85% installed. The ones that go in the control arm are being a huge pain. First one I put in was room temp and no lubricant
. Second one spent a few hours in the freezer and got sprayed with the first lubricant I found that I like the idea of, graphite. That went in nicely 5/8ths of the way. Now it wont move either. I was hoping for a nice easy job.

Did you de-burr the inside of the hole before you tried putting the new bushing in?

Have you tried using a bench vice to squeeze the thing in there?

I cleaned it up as best as I could and I was squeezing with a bench vise and when it stopped moving I would pound on the arm of the vise and drive it 1/16-1/8 of an inch farther. That no longer works

I cleaned it up as best as I could and I was squeezing with a bench vise and when it stopped moving I would pound on the arm of the vise and drive it 1/16-1/8 of an inch farther. That no longer works
Well you oughta be able to find or make something that fits insidie the hole so you can drive it out without ruining it. Then clean it up better

You could also try applying some heat to the control arm. Don't get it red hot or anything, but you can warm it up quite a bit. It takes a lot to melt those things.

Going back at it. If this isn't the damn noise I have had I am going to be extremely dissapointed. This brings the total up to $200. Next thing is the other cv-shaft.

CV shafts can piss you off... I had one that would only click after it had warmed up for about 15 miles of driving at a decent clip. And then, it would only click if I really stepped on the gas as slower speeds (probably because the car makes enough noise I couldn't hear it going fast).

So often it wouldn't even click. And when it did, I'd try to diagnose it the next day and have a hell of a time making it happen again...

I just guessed CV because I have so much trouble with them, but they can be really annoying.

You can usually hear which side is making a noise. But if you can't this is a good time of year to test it...

Find a place where you can put one wheel on something with good traction, and the other wheel on ice. Give it hell. You'll only spin one tire, so hopefully you can get a CV click and isolate the side.

Axles make a click click click click click click click click noise. With just a hint of knock at the end of the click. And it's repetitive. As long as they're going around under enough load to upset them, click click click.

Things that constantly turn make repetitive noise.

Just curious, if you slam the brakes. Do you get the same clunk?

If something is shifting under acceleration. Chances are it'll do it when you decelerate too.

The silicone inside one of the bushings was leaking out. I haven't slammed on the brakes in quite a while, I drive the same roads so much I can pretty much coast to a stop at every light/sign.

The silicone inside one of the bushings was leaking out. I haven't slammed on the brakes in quite a while, I drive the same roads so much I can pretty much coast to a stop at every light/sign.
I don't usually slam on my brakes either. So my brakes have been getting steadily worse without my noticing. Especially in the winter when you don't want to slam on your brakes because you'll slide.

The other day I had to do an emergency SLAM ON THE BRAKES stop. I was like AAAAAH! My brake don't work very well! haha...

Needless to say.... I fixed that the other day.

Well I had to just replace the MBC so I'd rather not slam on them. Who knows what will blow next.
I should probably do that on my car. But it's getting to the point where if I want to replace everything that vaguely has a problem, I'd have to replace every part on my car.

Also, the one for a manual trans car is $22, and for a auto car is $28. Which is stupid... the auto one doesn't have hill holder, and it's more expensive...


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